Mr.J English 於 DSE 勇奪英文 5**,考入香港大學工商管理學學士及法學士 HKU BBA Law 雙學位。憑著八年 DSE 英文教學經驗,打造出一套技巧實戰兼備;幫助同學穩奪 Lv 5+嘅教學方法 ! 成功逆轉超過 3,000 多名學生英文成續,獲無數同學家長一致好評 !
Clement Lau
2023 DSE 考生 - 中華基金中學
During the first part of the lesson I felt insecure. I temporarily lost my focus because of the new circumstances and because many of the students arrived late. As a result, the lesson did not start well. It was choppy and disjointed. Once I got into the lesson, I felt more comfortable. When we began the exercises and the students started participating, things got better. The laughter and interactions at the end humanized what had started out to be a structured, dry lesson. I could actually sense that learning was taking place and that I was directing that learning. From this experience I learned that I need to create a more open teaching style. I must also remember to spend less time on explanations and get right into the practice activities. They were more effective than reading the story and underlining the prepositions. I also realized more than ever the importance of being flexible. Changes may be necessary in the best of lesson plans.
Mr. J教既skills對於我嚟講非常新穎,絕大部分都係學校唔會教既技巧嚟,對我嚟講完全係另一種體驗,以往我認為Paper 1要考得高分,英文底子一定要好好或者係一啲ABC嚟,上完呢堂就發現最緊要係識唔識一啲skills,多謝Mr. J今堂教咗咁多skills!
2023 DSE 考生
This lesson is very nice! Mr J really gave us a step by step procedure on how we can deal with Paper 1 questions. Previously, I was not sure about what I should do. What I received the questions, I just look for the answer randomly like a fool. I also got stuck when I came up with difficult vocabularies. However, I now understand that there are a lot of skills we can apply. Most important, Mr J answered our questions one by one after the lesson. $50 is really super cheap. It definitely worths it.