
DSE ENG:S6 Regular Course Vol 5

Joyce Hung 任教
適合 F.6 同學
無條件退款保證 (受條款及細則約束)
適合 F.6 同學
無條件退款保證 (受條款及細則約束)

S.6 DSE 同學. 一個機會 Marker JOYCE 幫你攞足分數,LV 4 / 5 / 5*推上* * , 摘星之旅開始!

無論你而家Level 3/4/5,JOYCE HUNG Regular 以港大碩士級 Marker+ 前頂尖名校英文老師 Joyce Hung 身份教晒你四卷技巧!

絕無廢話,真.學英文 + 考評局考試技巧! 直接命中Marking + 贏在起跑線,突圍而出!



  • ☆ Paper 1 Reading : 歷年公開考試所有題型技巧 + 市場極度罕見新題型 ~ 大包圍式幫你係最容易嘅卷攞5**
    英文閱讀卷需要大量技巧,同英文程度沒有最直接的關係,JOYCE HUNG 星星同學仔學埋文章深字技巧, 常規閱讀卷範文幫你應對P1最難題目


  • ☆ Paper 2 Writing : 皇牌熱門考試題型 + Marker 及 5** 同學編纂多篇星級範文 + 一次過二考評局度學晒 CLO 需要用到嘅Language +Skills,港大碩士級 JOYCE HUNG 鑽研語文一學即通 SLA (Second Language Acquisition) 教學方法: 短時間英文神級5**(同學萬試萬靈, 學做真.英文人)
    Marker 直接披露5**技巧, 直接幫你改文,直接輕鬆面對所有題型 (Genre)


  • ☆ Paper 3 Listening : 神級Part A 聆聽&抄寫技巧 +PartB 由頭教到落尾掌握最輕鬆嘅 J 抄技巧 + 熱門文體格式
    瘋狂操練P3,市場極度罕見 Part A + B 大量貼近考評MOCK 奪星練習 (Level 分程度練習)


  • ☆ Paper 4 Speaking : P 市場領導英文發音 + IO Points & 例子懶人包女 & IR 即時升 1 Grade 神技巧 + C 無論任何級數都可以透過 C 技巧5+ & 5以上爆星星必學一籃子神技 + LV MJ P2 5** Vocabulary & Speaking 5+ Informal Language Use
    以實戰Examiner身份+ 大型英文演講&辯論比賽首席評判 教你 Speaking TOP Group Discussion 技巧 + 破天荒 Speaking Practice 2 次5**


☆ 5** 必用四卷招式 | 熱門未來題型 | 任何程度適合 爆上5-5** | 超級伏位 (防止「5**變5*/5變4」)☆



  • Reading + Listening 卷無技巧,英文好都攞唔到高分!
    • 閱讀卷淨係靠理解自己寫答案、聆聽卷Part B 抄唔切,唔識搵 Points 
  • Writing 長期只有CLO 4-5分數
    • 面對唔同既題型(Genre)唔識格式,詞彙句型非常乏味,「諗」到寫唔到
  • 英文科完全無從入手,預測唔到會考啲咩, 無資源溫書
    • 唔知有啲咩卷可以操、 對四份卷點樣去做唔清楚



特色#1: 《極速掌握校內卷 Paper 1 & 3 滿分做法》

  • Reading & Listening 直接逐步教你點樣搵Points
    • 閱讀卷唔同嘅部份 (MC, summary cloze, 同義詞, 長答題等等) 點樣輕鬆處理、 聆聽卷 Part A & Part B 一擊即中抄寫技巧 & 快速搵Points

特色#2: 《5** 作文技巧及滿分考評真跡 + 熱門試題模範文章集》

  • Language 長期攞5或以下嘅分數、寫來寫去都諗唔到用啲咩更好嘅字,句子形式重複沒變化,遇到不同嘅主題都缺乏相關主題嘅詞語,詞彙量嚴重不足,或者達不到5**水平
    • 各類Part A & Part B 文章滿分參考,語文如何輕鬆奪星, 終極 Collocation 詞彙配搭,不同文章百搭開段及結尾

特色#3: 必讀5**雞精天書 x 《新聞台試題庫》

  • 5+必須要有的5**雞精
    • 貼近近年考評局題目趨勢,預測四卷題目 x HEATED NEWS X 秘密考試文章
    • 所有程度考生必須在家中溫習的教科書,助你輕鬆實現5** 學霸, 內容包括但只不限於 Idioms + Collocations + Mock Papers + News + Language Drills 等等

特色#4: 《Marker JOYCE X Examiner P2 & 4實戰》

  • Input 最緊要有 Output,Mock practice 及改文 直接教出 5**門生!
    •  同學均可用 MJ 作文紙交文 + Join MJ 5** Speaking Practice

特色#5: 濃縮四份卷技巧,Step by step 5**取勝

  • 英文科必學重點,直接提升英文程度及應試技巧
    • 四卷作答技巧, 滿分文章及做法直接參考, 迅速處理英文科考試



配套 #1:《5** JOYCE HUNG DSE** 滿分精讀筆記**》

  • 每期MJ筆記包含四個卷份 + 5**滿分答案 + 5**考試技巧 + 適合 level 3 / 4 / 5+ 所有同學 - AIM FOR THE STARS

配套 #2:Marker身份直接改出 5文章 《無限》

  • 考評局評分標準 & 隱藏技巧 = 只有 Marker JOYCE 直接披露 & 親自批改文章,神準預測DSE 「C、L、O」分數

配套 #3:《5** 滿分考評真跡 + 熱門試題模範文章集》

  • 完美貼合考評局DSE評分準則以及出題模式,披露5**語文運用; 熱門校內試題目做法; 終極 Collocation 詞彙配搭, 實用+ 5**百搭句式升級大法

配套 #4:《新聞台試題庫》

  • 貼近近年考評局題目趨勢,預測四卷題目 x HEATED NEWS X 秘密考試文章

配套 #5: 必讀5**雞精天書 《每月派發》

  • 所有程度考生必須在家中溫習的教科書,助你輕鬆實現5** 學霸, 內容包括但只不限於 Idioms + Collocations + Mock Papers + News + Language Drills 等等

配套 #6:Examiner 教出 5** Speaking Practice 《無限》

  • Speaking 即時教出星の學生, 命中四個分數就係咁簡單!

配套 #7:WhatsApp IG 無限次問書《JOYCE本人回答 - 不是Hello助教》

  • 幫你清 Grammar Concept + 直接教你點樣攞高分 + 認真回答考試技巧



  • Paper 1 Reading : 所有題型技巧 + 市場極度罕見新題型 - 攞5**
  • Paper 2 Writing : 皇牌熱門考試題型 + Marker 及 5** 同學編纂多篇星級範文 + 一次過二考評局度學晒 CLO 需要用到嘅Language +Skills,港大碩士級 JOYCE HUNG 鑽研語文一學即通 SLA (Second Language Acquisition) 教學方法: 短時間英文神級5**(同學萬試萬靈, 學做真.英文人)- 攞5**
  • Paper 3 Listening : 神級Part A 聆聽&抄寫技巧 +Part B 由頭教到落尾掌握最輕鬆嘅 J 抄技巧 + 熱門文體格式 - 攞5**
  • Paper 4 Speaking : P 市場領導英文發音 + IO Points & 例子懶人包女 & IR 即時升 1 Grade 神技巧 + C 無論任何級數都可以透過 C 技巧5+ & 5以上爆星星必學一籃子神技 + LV MJ P2 5** Vocabulary & Speaking 5+ Informal Language Use - 攞5**
DSE ENG:S6 Regular Course

S.6 DSE 同學. 一個機會 Marker JOYCE 幫你攞足分數,LV 4 / 5 / 5* 推上* * , 摘星之旅開始! 無論你而家Level 3/4/5,JOYCE HUNG Regular 以港大碩士級 Marker+ 前頂尖名校英文老師 Joyce Hung 身份教晒你四卷技巧! 絕無廢話,真.學英文 + 考評局考試技巧! 直接命中Marking + 贏在起跑線,突圍而出!




Joyce Hung

🎖港大英文教育碩士,畢業論文研究第二語言學習 (Second Language Acquisition),榮獲教育局頒發準教師獎學金 (Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers)
2025 DSE 考生 - 皇仁書院
小弟對Miss joyce嘅評價:


Pp2:上堂教咗好多collocation&complex sentence structure,好幫到作文,每一段都可以滲透呢啲5**嘅技巧落去
最值得讚嘅係有無限改文服務,改文改得好詳細之餘,仲有極具參考性嘅comment畀我哋去self improvement,每次收到嘅voice message recording 都係幾分鐘,絕對唔馬虎🥹好少地方會講得咁詳細😂好過日校果啲質素好多😎

Pp3:打開''__ __功能''啟發到我做listening part a嘅命中率,然後part b老師教咗我哋點樣jot notes 可以jot得整齊啲,唔寫多亦唔寫漏,全部都係精華

Pp4:比起坊間嘅補習社,多咗無限speaking practice嘅配套😍任練唔嬲🤤
真心覺得齋練speaking practice已經值回票價👻可能係全港頂尖🤣👍🏻
2025 DSE 考生 - 聖芳濟書院
To start off, there is a wide variety of vocabularies/ phrases (both topic&exam) which I acquired through your vivid lessons filled with interactive conversations/laughter. Not only could I participate in learning energetically, but I could also take a glimpse into the requirements for a 5** writing.On top of that, a vast number of reading skills(D9你 for summary cloze & 2 parts for irony) are especially useful to slow readers like me as they allow us to scan through the passage for KWs & copy to not let marks slide away easily, boosting our grades like a rocket. The Kahoot game was definitely cherry on top for summarizing the words/phrases that we learned from Ms. Joyce!With that being said, be it the countless hours spent writing essays to Ms joyce, or the daily struggles trying to get every collocation in mind, instead of 揭而不寫,I will 鍥而不捨地 apply the extraordinary in my essays.The prices for lessons are totally irresistible, $250 for merely over 1 hr❌️. $250 for 2-3 hrs per lesson✅️ Keep overruning!🔥
T-Rex Lui
T-Rex Lui
T-Rex Lui
2025 DSE 考生 - 觀塘瑪利諾書院
Never have I met a charming and responsible teacher like Miss Joyce before. Miss Joyce is a remarkable teacher who educates every student sympathetically. Being a humorous and responsible educator, I can acquire a wide variety of knowledge simply from her . Not only are the lessons pleasurable and entertains, but also inspire me to develop interests in English language. Apart from that,Miss Joyce is approachable that you can chat with her anytime in Instagram. Also,If you submit your writing to Miss Joyce ,she will be willing to mark your works seriously.In the lesson,you can learn a wide range of vocabs,practical skills,speaking accent etc…through a different perspective which broaden your horizon.Hence,I highly recommend every diligent learners and pupil to take part in Miss Joyce’sEnglish courses which are trustworthy.Don’t be hesitated!Take a glance on it.I am really sure that you will find an extraordinary experience here.It is high time for us to embark on a quest aligning 5star star as our targets.See you in the lesson ~
2025 DSE 考生
2025 DSE 考生 - 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會鄭榮之中學
The product was just okay. It worked as advertised, but didn't exceed my expectations in any way. The quality was average - not terrible, but not great either. The design was fairly basic and uninspired. It got the job done, but didn't have any standout features that made it special. The price was reasonable, but I'm not sure it was worth the value. Overall, it's a middle-of-the-road item that is serviceable but forgettable. I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it, but I also wouldn't discourage someone from purchasing it if the price and features fit their needs. It's a perfectly adequate but unremarkable product.
Donald So
Donald So
Donald So
2025 DSE 考生
Miss Joyce is a very good, remarkable and excellent instructor, who offers a myraid of knowledge to me in an interesting and impressive way. Be it the exam-oriented skills, or the deeper insight in text book knowledge, it is extremely comprehensive. Never am I fueled with a thrist of knowlege in English, she sparks my interest in this complicated and difficult subject. The marvellous tutor is a beacon that can let me get out of the plight and overcome setback in the painstaking and ardrous journey of DSE. Miss Joyce is a very beautiful, elegant, nice tutor who I have never met. Let's come and join her lesson together! :D:D
2025 DSE 考生

P2:上堂教咗好多collocation&advanced vocabularies幫到作文

P3:listening既skills去命中marking scheme

P4:Miss Joyce會提供無限speaking practice
2025 DSE 考生
第一次搵英文補習:3 冇諗過出乎意料地好!!
Miss Joyce上堂講嘢一針見血 真心覺得幾充實
有問題或者唔識問佢都樂意解答 有耐性
詞語配搭亦都係常用好記 筆記都好整齊<33
Fr袋到嘢落袋 So far佢真係比到學生信心 My 2025 DSE靠你了TT
2025 DSE 考生 - 嘉諾撒聖家書院
第一次搵英文補習:3 冇諗過出乎意料地好!!
Miss Joyce上堂講嘢一針見血 真心覺得幾充實
有問題或者唔識問佢都樂意解答 有耐性
詞語配搭亦都係常用好記 筆記都好整齊<33
Fr袋到嘢落袋 So far佢真係比到學生信心 My 2025 DSE靠你了TT
Abyssal star
Abyssal star
Abyssal star
2025 DSE 考生 - 漢華中學
Of all the reasons why Ms Joyce's English course is the best, the most suitable one is that you are able to acquire an array of reading and listening skills with ease. As these techniques can boost your proficiency in English. Not to mention that a vast of sophisticated lexis and collocations can be obtained without breaking a sweat. these wordings are able to polish your writings and allow you to achieve remarkable stellar academic results. And the list of perks goes on.

DSE ENG:S6 Regular Course Vol 5

Joyce Hung 任教
適合 F.6 同學
無條件退款保證 (受條款及細則約束)
DSE ENG:S6 Regular Course Vol 5