☆ Paper 3 Listening : 神級Part A 聆聽&抄寫技巧 +PartB 由頭教到落尾掌握最輕鬆嘅 J 抄技巧 + 熱門文體格式 瘋狂操練P3,市場極度罕見 Part A + B 大量貼近考評MOCK 奪星練習 (Level 分程度練習)
☆ Paper 4 Speaking : P 市場領導英文發音 + IO Points & 例子懶人包女 & IR 即時升 1 Grade 神技巧 + C 無論任何級數都可以透過 C 技巧5+ & 5以上爆星星必學一籃子神技 + LV P2 5** Vocabulary & Speaking 5+ Informal Language Use 以實戰Examiner身份+ 大型英文演講&辯論比賽首席評判 教你 Speaking TOP Group Discussion 技巧 + 破天荒 Speaking Practice 2 次5**
🎖香港大學英文及英語教育系及港大英文教育碩士 🎖前拔萃男書院及聖保羅男女等名校英文及英國文學老師 🎖多年傳統學校及國際學校教授經驗、大型英文辯論比賽評判 🎖豐富DSE評卷經驗,校內試及公開考試專家 🎖港大英文教育碩士,畢業論文研究第二語言學習 (Second Language Acquisition),榮獲教育局頒發準教師獎學金 (Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers) 🎖多次被邀請分享學習及教學心得,曾為香港大學教育學院開學禮作演講嘉賓以及日校DSE應試星級講者
2026 DSE 考生
By participating in this fruitful lesson, I acquired a wide variety of vocabulary collocations. Not only can I boost my passion for language, but I can also experience joy and achiece happiness during the lessons, as Miss Joyce adds hues to the lessons with her hilarious jokes. *Not to mention, there is no generation gap between Miss Joyce and us 🤫😜* All in all, Miss Joyce is a superb teacher and the class learning atmosphere is supreme.
The English tutor class is amazing! The teachers are very professioal ad kowledgeable, which ca help studets improve their Eglish skills effectively. The class atmosphere is lively and positive, which motivates studets to learn Eglish actively. The teaching methods are iovative and practical, which can help students master Eglish skills quickly. Moreover, the class schedule is flexible , which can accommodate students' busy schedules. Overall, this English tutor class is highly recommeded!
Joyce is a nice English teacher. Her English course is very useful. She instructs me how to improve my DSE skills in a funny tune. She is professional to teach my English language. Her English materials is fruitful. She puts as much emphasis on the key meaning for essential topic. Thanks a lot!
Miss Joyce's lesson was incredibly engaging! Her enthusiasm for the subject made the material come alive, and the interactive activities really helped reinforce our understanding. I left feeling inspired and excited about learning more. Thank you for an amazing class! I will defnitely continue to join the course!!!!!1
Joining Joyce hung’s sessions are conducive to refine my English skills proficiencies. Besides, I’m enjoy it that she add hue the sessions with recent news. This is the superb ways to improve my writing ideas and expand my vocabulary. It give me more motivations