DSE ENG:Writing Mastery - 5** Language特訓課程
4.7 (56)
Language 一直都係同學仔頭痛嘅部份, 究竟用咩詞彙、 句子形式同埋表達嘅方法先至可以喺 Language 攞到6 或者7分呢? 由 Marker 親自拆解英文作文攞5**嘅公式, 傳授滿分詞語及句式結構嘅秘訣,幫你帶動整個 英文科可以保證 Level 5+ 以上。
Language 一直都係同學仔頭痛嘅部份, 究竟用咩詞彙、 句子形式同埋表達嘅方法先至可以喺 Language 攞到6 或者7分呢? 由 Marker 親自拆解英文作文攞5**嘅公式, 傳授滿分詞語及句式結構嘅秘訣,幫你帶動整個 英文科可以保證 Level 5+ 以上。
Language 長期攞5或以下嘅分數、寫來寫去都諗唔到用啲咩更好嘅字,句子形式重複沒變化,遇到不同嘅主題都缺乏相關主題嘅詞語,詞彙量嚴重不足,或者達不到5**水平
- Marker 角度、以考評局評分準則為基礎,直接披露 5** 需要用到的所有主題詞彙及一籃子滿分句式
- 各類Part A & Part B 文章 如何找出重點、 語文如何輕鬆奪「星」, 避開出錯和離題的機會
- 終極 Collocation 詞彙配搭,不同文章百搭開段及結尾
- 應對 Part B 四條新題型的考核模式
- 第一堂: Part A Descriptive writings + 各類型短文5**框架
- 第二堂: Part B 各類體裁(Genre)滿分文章, 涵蓋DSE歷年出題框架
- 第三堂: 終極 Collocation 詞彙配搭, 實用+ 5**百搭句式升級大法
- 第四堂: 拆解思維及場景意識, Organization 六分以上技巧, 文章「星」級位
- 第五堂: 終極 5**文章 開端及結尾
- 第六堂 :2024 最新題型預測 「貼題」 及校內試「貼題」
- 第七堂: C&L 最佳5**配搭神技巧
- 第八堂: 各類型公開考試題目大拆解 + 5** 真跡大放送
- Language 一直都係同學仔頭痛嘅部份, 究竟用咩詞彙、 句子形式同埋表達嘅方法先至可以喺 Language 攞到6 或者7分呢? 由 Marker 親自拆解英文作文攞5**嘅公式, 傳授滿分詞語及句式結構嘅秘訣,幫你帶動整個 英文科可以保證 Level 5+ 以上。
Joyce Hung
🎖港大英文教育碩士,畢業論文研究第二語言學習 (Second Language Acquisition),榮獲教育局頒發準教師獎學金 (Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers)
🎖港大英文教育碩士,畢業論文研究第二語言學習 (Second Language Acquisition),榮獲教育局頒發準教師獎學金 (Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers)
Miss 上堂嗰陣教咗好多學校英文堂冇嘅嘢 例如collocation, vocabularies 六十頁嘅notes入面亦都包括咗唔同嘅文章例如 Letter of advice, Letter to the editor, Article, Argumentative essay 當中有好多文章都值得去記 入邊包括好多罕見嘅phrases 而係適合於幾乎所有寫作入邊 全部都可以impress到marker 對我平時嘅校內寫作同埋DSE嘅paper two攞高分都好有幫助。
Lily fafa
Miss Joyce 教得十分清楚,好仔細 之前好驚作文又諗唔到ideas 但係Miss Joyce畀咗好多範文同ideas 同埋清楚明白5星星的要求同tips 而且課堂唔會悶 佢講嘢好生動 不知不覺就上完堂 真係學到好多野例如生字 作文思維 句式結構等而日校老師都冇教過 已經推薦俾朋友啦😉😉
Miss Joyce is a very good, remarkable and excellent instructor, who offers a myraid of knowledge to me in an interesting and impressive way. Be it the exam-oriented skills, or the deeper insight in text book knowledge, it is extremely comprehensive. Never am I fueled with a thrist of knowlege in English, she sparks my interest in this complicated and difficult subject. Miss Joyce is a very beautiful, elegant, nice tutor who I have met. Let's come and join her lesson together!
Donald So
Miss Joyce is a very good, remarkable and excellent instructor, who offers a myraid of knowledge to me in an interesting and impressive way. Be it the exam-oriented skills, or the deeper insight in text book knowledge, it is extremely comprehensive. Never am I fueled with a thrist of knowlege in English, she sparks my interest in this complicated and difficult subject. Miss Joyce is a very beautiful, elegant, nice tutor who I have met. Let's come and join her lesson together!
Miss Joyce 教得好好,每次都學到新詞彙, writing skills, 解釋得好清楚,就算平時學校有grammar 唔識問Miss Joyce, 她都有問必答,好有耐性,仲會舉不同例子令我明白,咁好英文老師真係去邊到揾,又nice, 上堂氣氛又好
Johnny Lee
Miss Joyce is an elegant English teacher. She is nice with all of us like an angel embracing us. With her love and support, we are happy and confident to sit for the public exam. She says authentic English that really amazes all of us. We are really dream of saying English natively like her someday. Friendly, kind-hearted, and pofessional! A good teacher leaving me an unforgettable impression! Love her!