DSE ENG:5**終極操卷班
4.9 (27)
〖集合最強元素・含金量最高・ 最具權威及實用性 ——「和你操」最強DSE英文操卷課程〗
DSE 正在逼近 ! 你需要一套 100% DSE-oriented、前瞻性 No.1、難度 No.1 嘅操卷課程,先可以爆升 2-3 個 Level !
操卷課程入面, 我會披露 DSE 閱讀卷黃金法則、2025 無限貼題、聆聽卷命中marking大法, 並會為你設計最高質、 最貼近DSE 考題模式的 5+必做 MOCK卷, 同學將會得到每一份卷的實戰機會, 並會得到作文卷及聆聽卷的評語!
最有效率的無痛操練,幫你 ENGLISH 爆升 2-3 級,一齊以奪星為終極目標 !
〖集合最強元素・含金量最高・ 最具權威及實用性 ——「和你操」最強DSE英文操卷課程〗
DSE 正在逼近 ! 你需要一套 100% DSE-oriented、前瞻性 No.1、難度 No.1 嘅操卷課程,先可以爆升 2-3 個 Level !
操卷課程入面, 我會披露 DSE 閱讀卷黃金法則、2025 無限貼題、聆聽卷命中marking大法, 並會為你設計最高質、 最貼近DSE 考題模式的 5+必做 MOCK卷, 同學將會得到每一份卷的實戰機會, 並會得到作文卷及聆聽卷的評語!
最有效率的無痛操練,幫你 ENGLISH 爆升 2-3 級,一齊以奪星為終極目標 !
Joyce Hung
🎖港大英文教育碩士,畢業論文研究第二語言學習 (Second Language Acquisition),榮獲教育局頒發準教師獎學金 (Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers)
🎖港大英文教育碩士,畢業論文研究第二語言學習 (Second Language Acquisition),榮獲教育局頒發準教師獎學金 (Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers)
Abyssal star
A wide range of skills can be practically implemented in the reading exercises and a myriad of former students’ writings are available in 2024, part A and part B with a 5 ** rating. It is definitely worth participating with overrunning all lessons which indicates that there are a great number of materials that are needed to tackle and improve performance in all four papers.
課堂生動有趣,針對學生弱點以及常犯錯誤講解,教授四份卷既skills,reading如何係唔明篇文既情況下命中marking scheme,writing如何靠language取勝,listening如何搵中pts,幫助學生升grades
David Wong277
The course is very informative as the teacher provides practical skills and strategies that could be applied in DSE. The pace of the course is faster than I expected. Still, it will not pose a challenge to your study if you are keen in learning and pay attention in class. Will definitely recommend this course to any DSE candidate.
Sum yiiii
易學簡單技巧 學校冇教過嘅技巧,喺課程入邊單刀直入 令我哋唔再擔憂點樣K.O.問題 同埋Miss講得好好 好詳細 課程豐富,簡單易明
The last exam drills. The best time to apply all the techniques and skills learnt throughout half a year before the real and looming DSE examination to consolidate what we have imbibed and to check if we really gauge the essence of the skills. So let's keep fighting and reach for the stars!
Miss Joyce教得好好!課堂定係paper都好高質 !用到好多skills有咩問題都可以隨時WhatsApp問Miss Joyce,作文交俾佢佢都會改!