Gary Sir嘅教學好好,真心真係學到唔少嘢,同埋Gary Sir嘅Program超正!幫到我可以喺一啲MC用較短嘅時間完成!教學內容都幾豐富同埋實用, 包含咗唔同嘅其他同埋課題。我亦透過呢個課程加深咗對計數機嘅認識!利用計數機嘅Program亦可以幫我大大提高做DSE MC嘅準繩度。之前唔識嘅嘢原來我都可以用一啲簡單嘅方法就可以解決到。
It is a good course. It shows me how I can tackle certain DSE-style exam format in a much quicker manner. The instructor can articulate his ideas very well. I would like to see more full courses by the same instructor to take me through more examples and possibly provide compilations of 1) by-topic and 2) cross-topic LQ and MCQ Question Banks. Highly recommended for those who are keen to build concepts. Thank you Gary Sir!