Gary Sir今次呢個Giveaway真係好正, 真係一份極好嘅聖誕禮物!今次呢一個Program拆題班教我哋入三個Program, 當中嘅Intersection Between Circle and Line簡直係咁多位學生嘅拭目以待嘅Program, 真係好獲益良多。Gary Sir好細心, 講解得好詳細同埋十分清晰, 兼且簡單又易明, 令我都可以容易咁落手去做一啲相對較難嘅題目, 今次教我哋入呢三個Program非常之有用, 對於好似我呢啲Level 2至Level 3嘅學生可以更加明白每一個Program應該點樣用, 同埋今次呢啲Program令到我喺考試嗰陣可以做得更加快, 所以真係好多謝Gary Sir送出咁好嘅聖誕禮物畀我哋。🙇
2021 DSE 考生 - 嘉諾撒聖心書院
Gary Sir 既 program 真係超好用,可以慳返好多時間,快而準確咁完成MC, 之前要花好多時間先計到product of roots, sum of roots 嗰啲題目都可以咁簡單⋯⋯最欣賞同期待 Intersection between Circle and Line, 太滾動了。宜家做MC 快左好多,信心都大左好多。仲有Cubic Equation 唔使再用long division 就可以factorise 到。感激🙏🏻🙏🏻
The programs is so great as it will teach you how to use programs to calculate so difficult maths.It really save my time so I can finish the mc on time.You can have a try on it.Hope you will find it useful.When I go back to school my classmates also ask me to teach how to calculate.Thank you so much!
老師的講解十分清楚,能夠讓我很好地了解Maths Program 的用途。另外,透過老師的講解,讓我對Math開始產生了一點興趣,在温習時也沒有太苦悶,真的很感謝老師!
Lily Tse
2021 DSE 考生 - 馬鞍山崇真中學
This 5** programs is really great because it will teach you how to use programs to calculate so difficult maths.It really save my time so I can finish the mc on time.You can have a try on it.Hope you will find it useful.When I go back to school my classmates also ask me to teach how to calculate.