成日都聽同學仔話「Bio N咁多個chapter點記曬入腦😕😕😕?」,唔知讀左兩年或三年bio嘅同學仔,會唔會發現bio唔同chapter其實係有關連?🧐 無錯!其實教科書入面將bio chapter咁排法係想由淺入深,但如果按順序咁溫,你又會發現溫到跳下跳下,好唔連貫。所以今次我會幫你重新排好最重要、實用嘅topics順序!如果你下次溫書果陣識得善用呢個順序去溫習,將有關課題一次過KO,包你會更加深入理解課題之間嘅關連同概念😛
1. 常識系列
basic cells → enzyme → transport mechanisms & cell membrane
2. Plants系列
nutrition and gas exchange in plants→ transpiration → reproduction in flower plants → photosynthesis
3. Human essential process系列
food and human → nutrition in human → gas exchange in human → transport in human→ reproduction in human → respiration
4. 反應三寶
detecting the environment→ nervous system → movement in human
5. Genetics 系列
cell division → basic genetics → molecular genetics → genetic engineering → evolution
6. 疾病系列
body defence → non-infectious disease → infectious disease
7. homeostasis系列
homeostasis→ e1 Ch.1 → e1 Ch.2-3-4
8. 環境系列
biodiversity → ecosystem →E2
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