【DSE Physics Formula Sheet】物理公式表 (中文+English)

小馬sir @明道教育
小馬sir @明道教育 2020-9-14 122,789
AfterSchool 幫大家整理咗完整 By Topic 嘅 DSE Physics Formula Sheet 物理公式表俾大家。唔單止有中文版 + English version!

作為曾經嘅DSE 考生,小編非常了解大家喺溫習 Physics 物理嘅時候面對緊啲咩難關。要考好 Physics,就一定要整理一份屬於自己嘅 formula sheet 公式表。份 formula sheet 除咗可以喺溫書嘅時候幫自己清 concept 之外,仲可以喺臨考試前,提返一啲重點,快速 refresh memory!各位同學仔 DSE 讀咁多科都應該冇咩時間㗎喇,所以小編決定幫大家整理一份 by topic 嘅《DSE 物理公式表 Formula Sheet》,而且仲有齊中文版同英文版 English Version!(唔使多謝小編🤣)

喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係小馬Sir,多年來透過DSE 物理補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:物理補習名師 小馬Sir | AfterSchool


DSE 物理公式表中文版 (by topic 整理)  



where s = 位移 (+/—ive) (單位: m)

where u, v = 速度 (+/—ive) (單位: m s—1)

where a = 加速度 (+/—ive) (單位: m s—1)


Formulas A1-A5

溫度 & 物態 

溫度 & 物態


where E = 能量 (單位: J)

where m = 質量 (單位: kg)

where c = 比熱容量 (單位: J kg—1 K—1)

where l = 潛熱 (單位:  J kg—1)




where p = 壓強 (單位: Pa)

where V = 體積 (單位: m3)

where R = 8.31 (單位: J mol—1 K—1)

where T = 溫度 (單位: K)

where kB = 1.38 × 10-23  (單位: J K—1) ;

where EK = 動能 (單位: J)

where NA = 6.02 x 1023 (單位: mol—1)


Formulas B1-B7



where F = 力 (單位: N)

where m = 質量 (單位: kg)




where F = 力 (單位: N)


能量 & 功率

能量 & 功率

where Ep = 重力勢能 (單位: J)

where m = 質量 (單位: kg)

where g = 9.81 (單位: m s—2)

where Ek = 動能 (單位: J)

where P = 機械功率 (單位: W)

where F = 施加力 (單位: N)




where a = 向心加速度 (單位: m s—2)

where ω = 角速度 (單位: rad s—1)

where f = 頻率 (單位: Hz)

where F = 向心力 (單位:  N)




where  F = 量值引力 (單位: N)

where G = 6.67 × 10-11 (單位: N m2 kg—2)

where m1, m2 = 質量 (單位: kg)

where r = 距離 (單位: m)


Formulas C1-C3

雙狹縫 & 衍射光柵

雙狹縫 & 衍射光柵

where  Δy = 條紋之間的距離 (單位: m)

where λ = 波長 (單位: m)

where D = 雙狹縫與條紋之間的距離 (單位: m)

where a = 雙狹縫之間的距離 (單位: m)

where d = 衍射光柵之間的距離 (單位: m)

where n = 0, 1, 2, 3




where u = 物距 (單位: m)

where v = 像距 (單位: m)

where f = 焦距  (單位: m)


Formulas D1-D13



where F = 靜電力 (單位: N)

where Ɛ0 = 8.85 × 10-12 (單位: C2 N—1 m—2)

where Q1, Q2  = 電荷 (單位: C)

where r = 距離 (單位: m)



where E = 電場強度 (單位: N C—1  or  V m—1 )

where Q = 電荷 (單位: C)

where V = 電勢差 (單位: V)

where d = 平行板間的距離 (單位: m)




where R = 電阻 (單位: Ω)

where ρ = 電阻率 (單位: Ωm)

where l = 長度 (單位: m)

where A = 橫截面面積  (單位: m2)




where R = 等效電阻 (單位: Ω)




where P = 功率 (單位: W)

where I = 電流 (單位: A)

where V = 電勢差 (單位: V)

where R = 電阻 (單位: Ω)




where F = 力 (單位: N)

where B = 磁場強度 (單位: T)

where Q = 電荷 (單位: C)




where F = 力 (單位: N)

where B = 磁場強度 (單位: T)

where I = 電流 (單位: A)

where L = 長度 (單位: m)




where B = 磁場強度 (單位: T)

where μ0 = 4π × 10-7 (單位: H m—1)

where I = 電流 (單位: A)

where r = 距離 (單位: m)




where B = 磁場強度 (單位: T)

where μ0 = 4π × 10-7 (單位: H m—1)

where I = 電流 (單位: A)

where l = 螺線管長度 (單位: m)




where ε = 感應電動勢

where Δφ = 磁通量的改變 (單位: Wb)

where Δt = 時間間隔 (單位: s)

where φ = 磁通量(單位: Wb)




where VS = 副線圈電勢差(單位: V)

where VP = 原線圈電勢差(單位: V)

where NS = 副線圈線圈數量

where NP = 原線圈線圈數量


Formulas E1-E4



where N = 剩餘的不衰變放射性核

where k = 衰變/放射常數 (單位: s—1)

where t = 時間間隔 (單位: s)

where t1/2 = 半衰期 (單位: s)




where E = 能量 (單位: J or eV)

where m = 質量 (單位: kg or eV/c2 )

where c = 3 × 108 (單位: m s—1) 


DSE Physics Formula Sheet English Version (by topic)


Equations of Motion

Equations of Motion

where s = displacement (+/—ive) (units: m)

where u, v = initial, final velocity (+/—ive) (units: m s—1)

where a = acceleration (+/—ive) (units: m s—1)

where t = time (≥ 0)  (units: s)


Formulas A1-A5

Temperature & State 

Temperature & State

where E = energy (units: J)

where m = mass (units: kg)

where c = specific heat capacity (units: J kg—1 K—1)

where ΔT = change in temperature (units: K)

where l = latent heat (units:  J kg—1)


Ideal Gas

Ideal Gas

where p = pressure (units: Pa

where V = volume (units: m3)

where n = number of moles of gas

where R = 8.31 (units: J mol—1 K—1)

where T = temperature (units: K)

where N = number of gas molecules

where kB = 1.38 × 10-23 (units: J K—1)

where EK = KE (units: J)

where NA = 6.02 x 1023 (units: mol—1)


Formulas B1-B7

Force & Momentum

Force & Momentum

where F = force (units: N)

where m = mass (units: kg)




where F = force (units: N)


Energy & Power

Energy & Power

where EP = gravitational PE (units: J)

where m = mass (units: kg )

where g = 9.81 (units: m s—2)

where EK = KE (units: J)

where P = mechanical power (units: W)

where F = applied force (units: N)


Circular Motion

Circular Motion

where a = centripetal acceleration (units: m s—2)

where v = speed (units: m s—1)

Where r = radius (units: m)

Where ω = angular velocity (units: rad s—1)

where f = frequency (units: Hz)

where F = centripetal force (units:  N)


Gravitational Force

Gravitational Force

where F = gravitational force (units: N)

where G = 6.67 × 10-11 (units: N m2 kg—2 

where m1, m2 = mass (units: kg)

where r = separation (units: m)


Formulas C1-C3

Double Slit & Diffraction Grating

Double Slit & Diffraction Grating

where Δy = separation between fringes (units: m)

where λ = wavelength (units: m)

where D = separation between the double-slit & the screen (units: m)

where a = separation between the slits  (units: m

where d = separation between each grating (units: m)

where n = order = 0, 1, 2, 3




where u = object distance (units: m)

where v = image distance (units: m)

where f = focal length (units: m)


Formulas D1-D13

Electric Fields

Electric Fields

where F = electrostatic force (units: N)

where Ɛ0 = 8.85 × 10-12 (units: C2 N—1 m—2)

where Q1, Q2 = electric charge (units: C)

where r = separation (units: m)


 Electric Fields

where E = electric field strength (units: N C—1 or  V m—1)

where Q = charge (units: C)

where V = potential difference (units: V)

where d = separation (units: m)




where R = resistance (units: Ω)

where ρ = resistivity (units: Ωm)

where l = length (units: m)

where A = cross sectional area (units: m2)




where R = equivalent resistance (units: Ω


Electric Circuits

Electric Circuits

where P = power (units: W)

where I = current (units: A)

where V = potential difference (units: V)

where R = resistance (units: Ω)


Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field / B-field

Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field / B-field

where F = magnetic force (units: N)

where B = magnetic field strength (units: T)

where Q = charge (units: C)


Force on a Current-carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field/ B-field

Force on a Current-carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field/ B-field

where F = magnetic force (units: N)

where B = magnetic field strength (units: T)

where I = current (units: A)

where L = length (units: m)


Magnetic Field/ B-field due to a Long Straight Wire

Magnetic Field/ B-field due to a Long Straight Wire

where B = magnetic field strength  (units: T)

where μ0 = 4π × 10-7 (units: H m—1)

where I = current (units: A)

where r = distance (units: m)


Magnetic Field/ B-field due to a Long Solenoid  

Magnetic Field/ B-field due to a Long Solenoid

where B = magnetic field strength (units: T)

where μ0 = 4π × 10-7 (units: H m—1)

where I = current (units: A)

where l = total length of the solenoid (units: m)


Induced e.m.f.

Induced e.m.f.

where ε = induced e.m.f

where Δφ = change in magnetic flux (units: Wb)

where Δt = time interval (units: s)

where φ = magnetic flux (units: Wb)




where VS = potential difference across the Secondary coil (units: V)

where VP = potential difference across the Primary coil (units: V)

where NS = number of turns in the Secondary coil

where NP = number of turns/ windings in the Primary coil


Formulas E1-E4



where N = number of undecayed radioactive nuclei

where k = decay constant (units: s—1)

where t = time (units: s)

where t1/2 = half-life (units: s)

where A = activity (units: Bq)


Energy-mass Equivalence

Energy-mass Equivalence

where E = energy (units: J  or  eV)

where m = mass (units: kg  or  eV/c2 )

where c = 3 × 108 (units: m s—1)


DSE Physcis 公式表應用建議


「點解要溫呢張 Formula Sheet 啊?」


有好多同學都恃住 DSE 會提供 Formula Sheet 俾考生,就 hea 溫公式。認真講句,其實個張咁嘅嘢真係好空泛!考評局張嘢唔單止冇 units,仲要冇解釋。因為冇認真溫書,所以好多同學 DSE 嘅時候唔識得點樣運用,淨係可以望住堆 symbols,白白送分比考評局。


Physics 嘅 formula 最麻煩就係就算你用啱條公式,但擺錯 value 嘅話都係「係咁先」!


唔信?不如睇下以下 2 個例子:


Lenses 呢課入面嘅

lenses (2)

考評局張 Formula Sheet 一定冇同你講 v 同 f 幾時會係 +ive / -ive。

(答案係 real image v > 0, virtual image v < 0, convex lens f > 0, concave lens f < 0)


睇多個例子。呢次係 Electrostatics 同 Gravitation 裡面嘅 

Electrostatics and Gravitation

考評局張 Formula Sheet 一定無講係由邊點度到邊點。 

大家仲要留意返, Physics 啲 units 單位五花百門,寫漏或者寫錯都會被扣分!




大家喺溫書嘅初步階段,不妨一邊攞住份 Formula Sheet,一邊操題目 (可以係學校嘅工作紙或者教課書嘅題目)。每次上完堂就即刻操題目習慣應用,當遇到啲 unusual case 嘅時候, 就喺條 formula 側邊寫低。見得多,應用得多,自然將來做 Past Paper,甚至考試遇到啲變態陷阱題都唔使驚! 

記住!想喺 DSE 奪星, 除咗要 work hard (勤力) 之外,仲要 work smart (有技巧)。大家需要明白每一條公式背後嘅 topic key concept, 先可以睇得出前路有咩陷阱等緊你。所以快啲 save 低份公式表,理解每條公式背後嘅原理,唔好再用錯 formula 或者擺錯 value 啦!

小馬sir @明道教育

小馬sir @明道教育

【明道教育導師】衝星操卷班95%以上學生獲取Level 5 + 成績 親身考試奪得 5** 🌟🌟連續4年DSE🌟🌟 學生超過80%學生比學校預計成績上升1級 近50%學生比學校預計成績上升2級 物理補底升grade首選香港大學理學院畢業,逾10年補習教學經驗,熟悉及多年研究香港及外國公開試(HKCEE, HKAL, HKDSE, GCE, ICGSE)試題考該方式。 親自設計獨有教學內容,配合輕鬆演譯方式教授新事物及抽象概念,助學生串連各課題關鍵概念,令學生面對各種題型時將知識融會貫通。 注重學生提高思考和解難的能力。 親自設計模擬試題,貼近公開試題型。 一位令你鍾意科學嘅補習佬❤️