【DSE 英文 Oral】English Paper 4 Speaking 口試摘星技巧

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-2-16 373,097
DSE English Speaking說話技巧大全!AfterSchool 邀請咗 Mr. J 同大家分享 DSE 英文 Oral 5** skills,令你唔再驚 Paper 4 英文口試,輕鬆做好小組討論!
有冇試過英文小組討論唔識點樣回應人哋論點?有冇試過考英文 oral 1-minute response 口窒窒唔知講咩好?相信準備緊 DSE 嘅你哋一定有過以上嘅難題,所以今次我特登喺 AfterSchool 呢度列齊 DSE English Speaking 說話技巧,等大家唔使再驚 DSE English Paper 4!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

DSE English Speaking 流程

credit: Kate Kalvach
credit: Kate Kalvach
相信大家都知道 DSE 英文口試主要分為 Group Interaction 同埋 Individual Response 兩 Part,但我今次就會由 Preparation 開始,帶大家 walk through 由考試開始到結束,每一步所需要嘅技巧!

Eng Speaking Preparation Time 準備時間

時間分配 + 策略

喺短短嘅凖備時間(10 分鐘)入面,你要分秒必爭!
頭 1 - 2 分鐘:速讀題目資料,間低關鍵字眼
好快咁睇完篇文,identify 出本次討論嘅主題同與主題相關嘅 concept,寫喺你張 notes;謹記寫 points 就夠,千祈唔好成份稿咁寫落去!因為浪費時間之餘,亦令自己喺陣間嘅討論缺乏彈性同發揮空間!
之後 2 - 7 分鐘:回應題目並拓展論點 
圍繞主題 brainstorm bullet points,以數量及多角度取勝,如政治、經濟、社會、文化,又或者以個人、社會、世界等切入;事關人地講緊啲好 trivial 好千篇一律嘅論點時,你就已經準備好各式各樣嘅 points,令你嘅發言可以好突出。
最後 1 分鐘:諗好首輪發言
喺最後嘅一分鐘裡面,大家要思考如何簡短咁喺有限時間內 present 自己嘅大綱。但首輪發言時,切記唔好一次過講晒自己 prepare 嘅所有嘢,你只需要輕輕講返大概論點同表明立場,其他嘢可以留返 group interaction 時講。

英文口試 Group Discussion 完美發言流程

credit: Headway
credit: Headway
8分鐘嘅 Group Interaction 圍繞 suggested direction 去討論,要 stand out 突出自己,就一定要學識以下嘅三部曲!

Group Discussion 發言技巧

  • Right! It is true that...
  • You’ve got a point, but I guess sometimes…
強調返立場,elaborate 論點,或帶到下一條問題:
  • In fact, I think that…
  • In my opinion/ point of view,
  • Consider the situation/ fact/ phenomenon that....
  • On top of the mentioned reasons/ points, I believe that…
Transit 下個討論重點/拋磚引玉:
  • Other than discussing (original focus), how about we share views on (new focus)
  • Apart from discussing the pros and cons of the (topic), shall we also think of some suggestions? I think that (輕輕一句帶過keyword)...
  • What do you guys think? / Do you guys have any ideas?

英文 Oral 小組討論常用句式

To show that you agree with others 表示同意:
  • Yeh totally! You’ve nailed it!
  • I see eye to eye with you!
  • Definitely! It is true that...
To show that you do not agree with others in a polite way 表示不同意:
  • You may be correct, but it may not always be true since…
  • You may have a point, but I’m not sure if it’s the best idea.
  • I understand what you are saying, but I’m afraid I disagree.
To initiate discussions 開展討論:
  • How do you guys feel about…?
  • What are your views on…?
  • Do you have any ideas on…?
To express your opinions 發表個人意見:
  • It seems to me that…
  • In my point of view…
  • It is my belief that…

英文說話 One Minute Response

credit: saeed karimi
credit: saeed karimi

Oral Time Management 時間分配

跟住就到好多同學好驚嘅 1-minute individual response,雖然好似好難練習同預備,但其實都係有技巧同策略!
好多同學一緊張就方寸大亂,無晒 structure,所以一定要學識下面嘅時間分配同 flow!
首 10 秒:多謝問題,並 rephrase 及重複問題,指自己將會從兩至三方面回答/解釋
中段 40 秒:Mention 論點並輕輕 elaborate,點到即止
收結 10 秒:conclusion and finishing touch

DSE Oral Individual Response 常用句式 & Flow

主要圍繞返 expressing own ideas, 不過一啲幫助自己 present 嘅句式都好重要!
  • Thank you for your question.
  • In my opinion, there are two/ three major reasons why…
  • In my viewpoint, it can be broken down into/ explained by two/ three aspects, which are
  • First of all,
  • Apart from/ Other than/ Aside from…
  • Last but not least,
  • To conclude, it can be explained by/ demonstrated by the above reasons.
事實上,對比 content 或者用字嘅深淺,呢 part 更重要嘅係流暢度,所以一定要跟實個 speaking flow!

English Paper 4 Overall 英文說話技巧

Credit: Mimi Thian
Credit: Mimi Thian

Pronunciation and delivery

注意咬字要清晰,語速唔好太快亦不宜太慢;另外,好多人嘅弊病都係有好多 er er er 嘅習慣,尤其係緊張時!建議大家試下用 ”like”, “hmm/emm”, “cuz” 等聽上去無咁唔順耳嘅口頭禪代替!

Communication strategies

同人溝通都有技巧,記得盡量同你回應緊嘅 candidates 保持 eye contacts得閒點頭微笑表示你聽緊,亦同時望下其他同學甚至考官;自己講嘅時候亦要望返其他同學,如果可以邊講邊做到小小手部動作會更加流暢同自然!

Vocabulary and language patterns

記得善用凖備時間,預備多啲關 topic 事嘅 concept words/ synonyms,咁樣可以避免用死某部份字嘅情況,同時顯示自己對 theme 嘅熟悉!

Ideas and organization

當然要識點樣去舖排自己嘅論點,用多啲 connectives 去建立自己 elaborate 論點時嘅flow,層層遞進,就唔使驚一緊張就語無論次!

有效利用歷屆英文口試 Past Paper 題目

credit: Josh Applegate
credit: Josh Applegate
明白大家未必成日約到同學出嚟練習,所以自己一個時可以参考 Past Paper,嘗試畀自己一個短啲嘅時間限制下,做返上述提及過嘅「間 keywords、諗 points」嘅準備,同時都可以迫自己對住塊鏡練首輪發言
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

👔 DSE 輕鬆取 5** • 英文考試技巧專家 🌟 八年補習經驗 • 超過 3,000 名學生成績顯著提升 🗣 資深辯論教練 • 最強 Oral 及論證技巧 📚 6 科 38 分(舊制不設加乘)• 香港大學 BBA Law 雙學位畢業Mr.J English 於 DSE 勇奪英文 5**,考入香港大學工商管理學學士及法學士 HKU BBA Law 雙學位。憑著八年 DSE 英文教學經驗,打造出一套技巧實戰兼備;幫助同學穩奪 Lv 5+嘅教學方法 ! 成功逆轉超過 3,000 多名學生英文成續,獲無數同學家長一致好評 !