好多同學都會將Bio拆散課題咁讀,而忽視咗chapter間嘅聯繫,但由此至終bio嘅課題都係互通架 所以要識得將唔同課題嘅概念融會貢通真係好重要!(特別係想奪星嘅同學)
今次就會送比你一條sample question, 話你知考評局係點樣誇chapter咁出題目:
Why the blood glucose level increase if the pancreatic duct is blocked?
pancreas係個好特別嘅organ, 又係endocrine gland、又係exocrine gland!係考評局最愛嘅跨chapter(Ch.6 & 18)考法,絕對值得你去收藏同深究
- pancreatic juice cannot be released to duodenum
- protease and lipase accumulate in the pancrea and digest the cells (which is made of protein and lipids)
- the insulin producing cells (pancreatic islets) are being digested
- fail to produce insulin
- no insulin to stimulate the liver cells to convert excess glucose into glycogen & body cells to uptake glucose
- blood glucose level increases
但係如果你真係無咩方向的話,你可以報我全新設計嘅Ch. 5 Food & Human同Ch. 6 Nutrition in Human嘅精讀網上課程!
我會係課程入面更加深入討論以上嘅答題技巧!仲有更多5**答題思維、常犯錯誤係入面🤤 想拎5或以上嘅你就真係唔好錯過啦!