【Proposal 格式】寫 ENG DSE 建議書英文實用攻略(含教學 + 範例!)

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-2-16 93,913
Proposal format 唔識寫?Afterschool帶嚟「 Proposal 格式」自學懶人包,用中文教你點寫DSE ENG建議書,包含寫作範本 + 萬用框架sample + 實際應用example!
Proposal 中文叫做「建議書」,係 DSE ENG paper 2 & 3,即係寫作部分及綜合部分經常會出現嘅考核格式。
以下 AfterSchool 為同學帶嚟自學懶人包,教你點寫 DSE ENG 建議書,包含寫作範本 + 萬用框架sample + 實際應用example!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

Proposal Format DSE 經常出現?

無錯!Proposal 經常會出現喺英文卷二寫作嘅 Part A / B,和卷三聆聽及綜合嘅 Part B 部分,如果考生無事先熟讀格式,就會損失大量分數!

Proposal 格式

[ Title ]

[ Introduction ]

[ Sub-heading 1 ]
[ Body Paragraph 1 ]

[ Sub-heading 2 ]
[ Body Paragraph 2 ]

[ Sub-heading 3 ]
[ Body Paragraph 3 ]


Proposal Checklist 寫作清單

係逐部分講解 proposal 應該點寫之前,同學可以先記熟以下呢個清單,咁就唔怕寫漏嘢啦!
1. 記得寫標題 + 小標題

2. 知道你嘅寫作對象係邊個

3. 文筆措詞要正式得體

3. 唔好用詞太誇張或過分誇大論點

5. 令建議變得更具體

6. 每一段都要用邏輯緊扣,唔好東講一忽西講一忽

7. 想用「will」嘅時候,記得轉晒做「would」

8. 用多一些被動式(Passive Voice),例如:
  • It is noted that…. 
  • It is reported that…. 
  • It is recommend that…

9. 寫小標題時,可以多用numbering,即在前面加上數字,例如﹕
  1. Introduction
  2. Problems
  3. Suggestions

想知道其他 DSE ENG 常見英文實用文寫法?即撳:【DSE English】Paper 2 & Paper 3 最齊寫作格式全攻略

Proposal Title 標題寫法

建議書係一份正式場合使用嘅文章,為一件事去作出建議,所以考生只需要緊貼題目內容加上一個合適的標題即可!小編建議大家可以根據題目嘅字眼去重組句子寫一個標題出嚟,簡單易明就 okay,無需追求精美及花巧,以免弄巧成拙。
例如可以咁寫:Proposal for Creative Education in Schools

For 之後嘅字眼可以跟返題目去改!

Proposal Introduction 引言/前言寫法

大背景主要寫依家有啲咩「Trend 趨勢 / Observation 觀察 / Concern 關注」係發生緊。
例如:With the rapid development of information technologies in recent years, web surfing has become an indispensable part of young people’s life. However, the virtual world of the cyberspace is a place of hidden risks for young people. (近年來隨著信息技術的飛速發展,上網已經成為年輕人生活中不可或缺的一部分。 然而,網絡空間的虛擬世界對年輕人來說是一個充滿風險的地方。)
例如:Our school would like to connect closer links with the community as we are attaching great importance attention to enhance students' mental health and personal development. (我們學校非常重視加強學生的心理健康和個人發展,因此希望與社區建立更緊密的聯繫)
例如:On behalf of the Moral Education Society of XX secondary school, We are therefore, seeking your permission to run a series of activities in the society for the teenagers to improve their mental health and understanding Internet addiction.(因此,我們代表XX中學德育學會,徵求您的同意,在社區中開展一系列旨在改善青少年心理健康和了解網絡成癮的活動。)

Proposal Subheading / Subtitle 副標題寫法

建議書,顧名思義向某人提出建議以尋求改善問題,所以文章的內容結構應該整潔簡短,不宜出現“長氣”的情況,在 proposal 格式 上,各位都可以善用小標題。例如:
  1. Introduction
  2. Backgrounds
  3. Recommendations (Date, Time and Venue / Activities / Budget / Person-In-Charge)
  4. Conclusions

Proposal Body 正文寫法

> 5W1H(何時、何地、何人、什麼來的、為什麼做、怎樣去做)
> 這項活動在哪些方面可以為目標群體帶來好處?
> 避免寫太多「這項活動會讓他們感到有趣」,因為沒有說服力。
> 這個活動有什麼疑慮(預算、參加人數、地點選擇等等)
> 如何解決顧慮?
> 活動頻率
> 總體可預見的收益(包括對於完成目的上、對象上、以及自己團體上)

Proposal Conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法

例如:We are positive that this proposed measure will provide an antidoteto the problem. This proposal will be the first step toward unlocking/solving/enhancing sth. and will assuredly lead to more synergetic outcomes for years to come.(我們相信這項提議的措施將為解決這個問題提供一劑良藥。 該提案將是解鎖/解決/增強某事的第一步。 並且肯定會在未來幾年帶來更多的協同效應。)
例如:We would be grateful if you could kindly consider our proposal / Any favourable consideration of our proposal would be much appreciated(如果您能考慮我們的建議,我們將不勝感激 / 如有任何有利考慮我們方案的存在,我們都將不勝感激)
例如:Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions / comments after read the proposal.(如果您在閱讀提案後有任何建議/意見,請隨時與我們聯繫。)

Proposal DSE 5+ 範例參考

題目:Learning English through Social Issues
Many people say that Hong Kong’s education system stifles creativity and they argue that this may pose a danger to our city’s development. Write a proposal to the Secretary of Education recommending three activities or programmes the schools in the territory can run to make education creative.
【標題】Proposal for Creative Education for Schools
【前言(背景)】Creativity is valuable as it synthesizes innovations and brings improvements and changes to society. Nevertheless, Hong Kong’s education system has come under fire for throttling creativity and some are concerned about the dangers this may pose to the development of this international metropolis. Indeed, the curriculum is more practical than romantic. Many students emphasize memorization, repetitive practices and examination skills in a bid to become high flyers. Seldom are students willing to take the risk of thinking out of the box as high marks are not guaranteed.
【前言(寫作目的)】In the light of all these problems, I would like to recommend three programmes that schools can run to stimulate students’ creativity and make education more creative.
【正文小標題建議一】Putting up a creativity wall
【建議一引言】To commence with, I suggest that schools should build a large wall for students to write or draw freely on.
【建議一詳情】Depending on the campus’ design, the wall, or simply a very gigantic white board, can be located where most students gather, be it near the playground, beside the basketball court or next to the tuck shop. Markers and post-it in different colours will be provided. Every week, the school can propose a new topic or area of discussion to stimulate students’ thinking. “What else is in the universe?”, “Create a new season for the earth!”, “What will the world be like in 1000 years?” are all appealing topics that students can respond to creatively either by words, poetry, or drawing. By the end of every week, representatives from a designated class can give a presentation in the assembly on what ideas fascinate their class the most. 
【建議一好處】Not only will the “Creativity Wall” spark off ideas for individuals, but it will also encourage students to discuss creative ideas among themselves as well through interactive process of reading others’ thoughts and responding. It is within our anticipation that numerous innovative ideas can be generated by the students.
【正文小標題建議二】Running a lyric rewriting and singing contest
【建議二引言】Furthermore, it would be advisable for schools to organize a lyric rewriting contest. 
【建議二詳情】In the contest, students can select a melody from a repertoire of pop songs and rewrite the lyrics under such themes as love, friendship and nature. Students who have talent in composing could even create the melody. It should be noted that not only are lyrics a reflection of culture, they are also a form of literature as well. Students, for instance, need to think how to add spice and sparks to the lyrics, during which their writing skills can be honed. Rewriting the lyrics, however, is not all. Students are further required to, either individually or in groups, perform the songs they write and upload a video onto social networking sites like Facebook and Youtube.
【建議二好處】It is noteworthy that music brings hope and merriment to us and many teenagers are captivated by its power. The “likes” they can get reflect their efforts and serve as an encouragement and an incentive for them to write creatively and sing beautifully. The video with the greatest number of “likes” will win the competition. Students, who will both be the contestants and the judges, will definitely find the contest appealing.
【正文小標題建議三】Holding a video skit-writing competition
【建議三引言】Last but not least, schools are recommended to hold skit-writing competitions annually.
【建議三詳情】From creating a story line to laying out the setting and designing the costumes; from shooting from an appropriate angle to acting the script out; from selecting the background music going along with the plot to editing the videos with special effects – these are all creative techniques a video skit-writing competition requires students to possess. 
【建議三好處】In the skit-writing competition, it is of paramount significance for students to cooperate and discuss with other students in the process, meaning that their inter-personal skills could be sharpened. This is in line with the very principle of all-round education. Besides, to make the competition more enticing, the winning pieces can be put on the website of the schools as an encouragement to students. With a view to capturing students’ interest, social media can also be utilized as a platform for judging and sharing as well, and its benefits are mentioned in the previous section. All in all, students can benefit enormously from this activity.
【總結好處】Not only can the above-mentioned activities stimulate creativity, they can also encourage interactive discussions and raise students’ interest in different topics, which can further inspire ideas. 
【慨嘆學生缺乏創意】Students are humans, not robots. Sad to say, hardly can Hong Kong students think innovatively despite their brilliant scores in international examinations. Failing to overhaul the ossified education system today, our city will merely produce diligent workers working for innovative leaders of foreign companies.
【期望對方採納建議】Thank you very much for your kind attention and I hope that schools can consider my simple and effective suggestions, making education and learning more creative and fascinating. The beneficiaries will no doubt be our students, and most importantly, Hong Kong.
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

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