【Report 格式】寫 ENG DSE 報告英文實用攻略(含教學 + 範例!)

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-2-16 58,755
Report format 唔識寫?Afterschool帶嚟「 Report 格式」自學懶人包,教你 DSE listening 報告,學識點寫 Title / conclusion / summary!
Report 報告書係 DSE ENG paper 2 & 3,即係 dse listening & writing 部分經常會出現嘅考核格式,當然要知道成個 format 點寫!
以下 AfterSchool 為同學帶嚟自學懶人包,教你點寫 DSE english 報告書,包含寫作範本 + 萬用框架sample + 實際應用example!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

Report 喺 DSE 成日考?

無錯!而且好多時候 task instructions 係唔會表明需要用 ‘report’ 格式 (例如 2017 English Paper 3 Part B2 Task 8 係用 ‘summary’ 呢隻字),所以同學往往需要憑自己嘅經驗,或者從 data file 嘅資料中推敲出要使用 Report 文體。
想知道點樣分係咪寫 Report?咁就要睇埋落去啦!

Report 格式

[ Title ] 

[ Introduction ]

[ Sub-heading 1 ]
[ Body Paragraph 1 ]

[ Sub-heading 2 ]
[ Body Paragraph 2 ]

[ Sub-heading 3 ]
[ Body Paragraph 3 ]


Report 報告書 vs Proposal 建議書的分別

相信眼利嘅同學都已經發現到,Report 報告書 同 Proposal 建議書嘅基本結構可以話係一模一樣,但事實上兩者喺應用層面上有著天淵之別!
由此可見,如果問題要求同學寫一啲關乎「整合」+「建議」嘅內容,好大機會都係想大家使用 Report 格式!
想知道其他 DSE ENG 常見英文實用文寫法?即撳:【DSE English】Paper 2 & Paper 3 最齊寫作格式全攻略

Report Title 標題寫法

Report 係一份正式嘅文件,只需要一個簡潔易明,對應到內文嘅標題就可以;切忌加太多花巧字眼,弄巧成拙!
  1. Report on XXX / XXX Report
  2. A Report on …
  3. An Investigation into …
  4. An Analysis of …

Report Introduction 引言/前言寫法

首先由於 report 係想整合一個已經發生咗嘅事件給出建議,所以必先講解吓寫作背景。就例可以先簡述一吓題目所描述嘅某個社會現象(青少年網絡成癮 / 移民潮等),俾一啲數據出嚟展示自己對題目嘅熟悉度更佳!
可以咁樣開頭:This has set the backdrop of ….. 
然後定義方面就係講緊喺題目裡面有機會出現專業名詞 / 述語,呢個時候就需要先解釋佢哋嘅意思。
例如可以咁寫:Prior to our study, the definition of 名詞 will first be explored: 句子…….
試試咁寫:Given that…, this report aims to explore the reasons of…, and propose measures …..

Report Subheading / Subtitle 副標題寫法

  1. Background
  2. Issues / Problems / Objectives
  3. Suggestions / Solutions / Recommendations
  4. Conclusion

Report Body 正文寫法

想展示出清晰嘅思維,就需要按邏輯分段去敍述成個事件嘅起乘轉合。一般而言,我哋會分為「Reason + Analysis」、「Impacts」、「Suggestions」三小段去說明。
「Reason + Analysis」顧名思首義就係講出依家發生緊啲咩現象,同埋呢個問題背後嘅成因。通常我哋可以用「層遞法」去梳理出脈絡,例如從「個人因素」、「朋輩因素」、「家庭因素」、「社會因素」、「國家因素」、「國際因素」、「普世價值觀」等按順序說明之。
「Impacts」就係講緊以上發生緊嘅現象會帶嚟咩問題。同樣道理,我哋可以由影響力小至大咁列出;當中需要注意嘅係,我哋唔需要一面倒寫晒負面影響 / 正面影響,而係應該兩邊兼顧,盡量豐富文章內容,令評審員欣賞你嘅整理+分析+批判技巧!
「Suggestions」作為正文最後一段,亦應該係佔文章比例最多嘅部分,因為呢一part就係展示出考生思維拓展嘅關鍵,高下立見就此分曉!喺內容方面,大家可以按照返「層遞法」從小至大層面寫出建議;而用詞方面,可以試吓多用以下嘅 phrase,對文章簡潔度及說服力會有重大幫助!
表示肯定:The majority / minority of the respondents expressed approval / disapproval of ___ / This fact illustrates / indicates that ___
表示寫作目的:With a view to / In hopes of / For the sake of / For the purpose of / In an attempt to
每段總結上文:It is crystal clear that / Conceivably, 

Report Conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法

Conclusion 嘅作用係將上面講過嘅嘢用最簡短嘅字句寫一次出嚟,所以佢同 introduction 可以話係孖生兄弟,但又有啲分別:
Introduction 係講你將會喺文章講述啲咩,所以只需要幾個關鍵詞嚟指出個方向;
Conclusion 係用嚟總結每個論點,一般一句一個論點,所以要比 introduction 更詳細。
此外,Introduction 需要介紹埋題目背景,而 conclusion 就唔需要,大家記得啦喇!
第二部分(第3 - 5句):總結文章中嘅論點,每個論點要用一句話概括。
第三部分(第6句):延伸一下,講吓對呢個話題嘅願景 / 預測,但切記唔可以係新嘅論點。
以上句字多寡僅供參考,內容長短與否視乎成篇文章嘅長度,一般而言 conclusion 嘅字數為文章總數10%,例如一篇文章2000字,咁結尾就會寫200-250字。

Report DSE 5+ 範例參考

題目:Learning English through Social Issues (2017 DSE English Paper 2 Q.7 題目)
You are working on a project entitled ‘Hong Kong’s NEETs’. NEETs are young people who are not in education, employment or training. Many of these young people spend their time at home playing video games or surfing the Internet. Write a report to explain why the number of NEETs in Hong Kong is rising and suggest what can be done to help these youths. Give reasons to support your suggestions.
【標題】Report on the reasons for the increase in the number of NEETs in Hong Kong and suggested measures
【前言(背景 + 寫作目的)】Introduction
The need to address the growing concern over young people who are disengaged from mainstream learning and employment-related activities is recognized internationally. The acronym “NEET”, initially coined by the Social Exclusion Unit in the U.K. in 1999 refers to a person, aged between 16 and 24, who is “not in education, employment or training. It was subsequently adopted by and better known as “hikikomori” in Japan, and has since gained widespread usage in other Asian countries. In Hong Kong, the spike in local youth unemployment rate, from 5.5 percent in May 2016 to 7.1 percent in August 2016 has shed light on the gravity of the issue. In light of the recent uptick in the number of NEETs in the territory, this report sets out to identify and analyze the causes of this phenomenon and present corresponding suggestions based on a host of recent research studies, findings, and media reports.
【正文小標題一(原因)】Major Reasons for the Rising Number of NEETS in Hong Kong
【原因一】The emergence of overprotective parents in Hong Kong without question accounts for the steep rise in the number of socially withdrawn youths in the city. In this fiercely competitive society, Hong Kong parents wish to retain complete control over every aspect of their children’s lives. They sign them up for a plethora of extra-curricular activities and make almost every decision for them over time, children become increasingly dependent on their parents for support and success and gradually develop low self-confidence. They are bound to buckle under pressure in the face of setbacks. Also, coupled with Hong Kong’s cutthroat education system in which the university acceptance rate remains steady at 18 percent every year, high school graduates who failed the public exam could easily sink into mire of withdrawal and isolation because they have lived their whole lives in a safe corner and going to university was their only goal. As a result, many of them, who are stigmatized as “failures” by society, are unable to bounce back from this defeat and start developing anti-social behavior and tendencies. They also lack the life skills and practical experiences to survive in the workplace due to limited employment opportunities in Hong Kong. Thus, it comes as no surprise that an increasing number of young people, who have overprotective parents and suffer from low self-esteem, prefer spending their time at home transfixed by the computer screen.
【原因二】In addition, another overarching trigger for more Hong Kong’s NEETs in recent years, as touched on briefly above, is the lack of excellent training opportunities for young people. The city is no longer a fast-growing economic marvel it once was in the 1980s, and is instead fraught with slackening economic growth, aging population, and exorbitant costs of living, typical of a high-income society with a widening wealth gap. Hence, the academically inept and low-skilled youths are now a marginalized group in the city. Hong Kong’s tight labor market predominantly gravitates towards finance, property development, and trade-related industries. While it is already hard for struggling college graduates to land a desirable job that matches both their expectations and skillsets, it is even more difficult for those without post-secondary education to move up the social ladder. Therefore, low social mobility and a lack of opportunities for young people are what prompt them to retreat to their bedrooms and indulge in the virtual world away from the harsh realities of life.
【建議一】In light of the rapidly expanding group of inactive youths in Hong Kong measures must be taken before this crisis amounts to widespread youth unemployment and disengagement. First and foremost, more resources should be directed towards identifying “at-risk” youths. More extensive outreach programs, especially online ones, need to be rolled out to reach academically incompetent students who are pessimistic and uncertain about their future. Social workers and teachers should try to engage them through online forums and social media. Since many research studies have shown that young people are more likely to open up online than via face-to-face interactions in real life, this approach would minimize their discomfort and social awkwardness. Apart from that, online career counseling could also be provided whenever necessary to help them identify their personal strengths and bolster their self-worth. This measure would empower young people and break the cycle of social exclusion by improving their social skills and offering them much-needed emotional support in the long term, it would prevent more young people from falling into the NEET status.
【建議二】Second, as a reintegration strategy, the government should expand job opportunities and strengthen vocational training for early school leavers. Young people should be encouraged if not incentivized, to pursue post-secondary vocational programs that prepare them for skilled technical work and decent blue-collar Jobs that support key industries in Hong Kong, such as aviation, shipping, and logistics, as well as newly emerging ones like the creative and environmental industries. However, the effectiveness of this proposition hinges on a shift in people’s mindset and social values. Regrettably, blue-collar jobs in Hong Kong are often dismissed as worthless, especially among parents. Schools and companies should therefore help students and parents challenge such preconceptions and set the right expectations by organizing more seminars, internships, and mentorship programs. This way, NEETS in Hong Kong would be able to increase their exposure to real work, diversify their skillsets, and rejoin the community at a later stage.
The above analysis and recommendations offer an overview of the NEET phenomenon in Hong Kong. In response to the prevailing overprotective parenting and lack of opportunities for young people, both preventive and reintegrative measures are necessary to ensure the social inclusion of NEETS and their transition into adulthood in the learn run. It is imperative that young people remain in education and training to enhance their competitiveness and that the government implement a wide range of measures to support NEETs in the territory.
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

👔 DSE 輕鬆取 5** • 英文考試技巧專家 🌟 八年補習經驗 • 超過 3,000 名學生成績顯著提升 🗣 資深辯論教練 • 最強 Oral 及論證技巧 📚 6 科 38 分(舊制不設加乘)• 香港大學 BBA Law 雙學位畢業Mr.J English 於 DSE 勇奪英文 5**,考入香港大學工商管理學學士及法學士 HKU BBA Law 雙學位。憑著八年 DSE 英文教學經驗,打造出一套技巧實戰兼備;幫助同學穩奪 Lv 5+嘅教學方法 ! 成功逆轉超過 3,000 多名學生英文成續,獲無數同學家長一致好評 !