【Speech 格式】寫 ENG DSE 演講辭英文實用攻略(含教學 + 範例!)

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-2-16 57,289
Speech format 唔識寫?Afterschool帶嚟「 Speech 格式」自學懶人包,教你 DSE listening 演講辭,學識點寫開頭稱呼語/引入/正文/結尾!
Speech 演講辭顧名思義就係用於公開演說嘅講稿,而喺DSE ENG paper 2 & 3,即係 dse listening & writing 部分裡面,考評局就經常會要求考生代入某個團體嘅主席或代表,於開幕禮或會員大會等情景發表演講,因此大家必須要懂得 Speech format 點寫!
以下 AfterSchool 為同學帶嚟自學懶人包,教你點寫 DSE english 演講辭,包含寫作範本 + 萬用框架sample + 實際應用example!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

Speech 格式

[ Greeting Line ] 

[ Introduction ]

[ Body Paragraph 1 ]

[ Body Paragraph 2 ]

[ Body Paragraph 3 ]


Speech Greeting Line 開頭稱呼語寫法

Speech 同其他實用文好唔同嘅係佢唔需要標題(你估朗誦咩!),呢個時候只需要一個簡潔嘅問候語就可以!
通常我哋會咁寫: Good morning  ____ (Principal), teachers and fellow schoolmates,
記得記得,寫Greeting Ling一定要跟聽眾嘅輩份,例如喺學校場景裡面就先到後寫校長、老師、同學;如果聽眾裡面有嘉賓,嘉賓就需要寫先,例如:「Good morning honourable guests, ____ (Principal), teachers and fellow schoolmates,」。
最後,大家一定一定要留意返,英文嘅 Greeting Line 係以逗號「 , 」做分隔同最尾,千祈唔好撈亂咗好似中文用冒號「:」搞到失分!

Speech Introduction 引言/前言寫法

例如可以咁寫:As (你嘅身分) , I am honoured to extend a warm welcome to you all. I would like to share with you about (你呢篇文章嘅主題,精簡幾隻字表達出嚟).
如果題目係講緊社會現象(青少年網絡成癮 / 移民潮等),則可以俾一啲數據出嚟展示自己對題目嘅熟悉度!
例如可以咁寫:Without further ado (廢話少講), let’s dive right into it. In today’s speech, I’d like to highlight 3 major points, including A, B and C.
想知道其他 DSE ENG 常見英文實用文寫法?即撳:【DSE English】Paper 2 & Paper 3 最齊寫作格式全攻略

Speech Body 正文寫法



主題:The Importance of Volunteering in the Community
段落開始陳述: "Volunteering plays a pivotal role in strengthening communities and fostering a sense of belonging among individuals."


主題:The Impact of Climate Change on Wildlife
例子: "Consider the case of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, which is facing unprecedented bleaching events due to rising sea temperatures. This phenomenon not only threatens the coral reefs but also endangers the marine life that depends on them, such as the vibrant species of fish and turtles."


主題:The Advantages of Cultural Exchange Programs
過渡詞使用: "In addition to that, another benefit of cultural exchange programs is..."


主題:The Importance of Financial Literacy for Young Adults
適當的詞彙選擇: "For instance, understanding the concepts of budgeting, saving, and investing empowers young adults to make informed financial decisions and avoid unnecessary debt."


主題:The Benefits of Physical Exercise for Mental Well-being
使用幽默: "So, instead of spending hours scrolling through social media and burning time, why not hit the gym and burn some calories?"


主題:The Power of Education in Empowering Individuals
引用: "As Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'"


例如:"What if I told you that a small act of kindness can change someone's life?"
例如:"Education brings knowledge, knowledge brings power, and power brings change."
例如:"A good teacher is like a lighthouse, guiding students through the stormy seas of knowledge."

Speech Conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法

(回顧)As we reach the end of our speech, let's take a moment to recap our main points…
(寄語)Lastly, I hope you find inspiration and motivation from this speech. Believe in your abilities, and have the courage to express your thoughts and perspectives. English public speaking is a valuable skill that will empower you to confidently communicate with the world, whether it's in exams, work, or everyday life.
(道謝)Thank you all for your attentive listening, and I wish you success and achievements in your future endeavours. Thank you!

Speech DSE 5+ 範例參考

題目:Part A
You are helping your school organise the annual school fair. You have been asked to make an announcement about the event during the morning assembly.
Use the poster below to help you write your announcement. In your announcement:
  • Introducing the event.
  • Describe some of the activities that will take place.
  • Let students know how they can help out
【Greeting Line】Good morning, Principal, teachers and fellow students,
【Introduction】If I were to ask you what the large tragedy of 2020 was, what would you say? Perhaps the unfortunate cancellation of the annual school fair last year? Well, if that’s the case, fear not, as I am incredibly proud to announce that our annual school fair will be making a comeback on 29th May 2021 from 12 pm to 4 pm! So, why should you go? Listen on to find out!
【Body Paragraph 1】The day will start with a “bang” at the food stalls, so forget lunch and come stuff yourself silly instead! Our Home Economic club has been teasing us with utterly delectable Takoyaki balls, filled to the brim with fresh octopus, covered with a truly decadent mozzarella and goat cheese sauce. Be careful, or else you might find yourself literally speechless and tongue-tied by octopus tentacles – that’s just how fresh they are (just kidding)! Have an insatiable sweet tooth? Check out the dessert booth and be on the lookout for the chocolate custard tarts, with a scrumptious core of white chocolate. Bon appetit!
【Body Paragraph 2】The next activity worth stopping by to at least watch is the alumni football match. Did you know that Hong Kong’s rising super star, Keung To is an alumni of our school? Sign up for the match, and you might be able to play with, or against him! We also have no shortage of teachers who also happen to have studied here, and are trembling in excitement to relive and reminisce on their youth, filled with laughter and merriment. If you are interested in seeing if your football skills measure up to our staff, do come and join us. Each match will be a 30-minute mini match, with seven people on each team, and as a twist, two footballs! What an amazing way to burn excess calories from the food stalls, don’t you think so?
【Body Paragraph 3】In addition to the mouthwatering food and exhilarating alumni football match, the school fair offers a plethora of engaging activities that cater to everyone's interests. For those who appreciate art and creativity, the art exhibition is a must-visit. Our talented students have poured their hearts and souls into their artworks, showcasing their unique perspectives and artistic skills. From vibrant paintings to intricate sculptures, the exhibition is a testament to the creativity and talent that thrives within our school community. Take a moment to immerse yourself in the beauty and thought-provoking messages conveyed through these captivating pieces of art.
【Body Paragraph 4】Moreover, if you are a fan of live performances, the stage area will be brimming with captivating acts throughout the day. Our school's music club will showcase their melodious tunes, encompassing a wide range of genres to cater to diverse musical preferences. From soulful ballads to energetic pop hits, the performances will leave you captivated and tapping your feet in rhythm. Additionally, the drama club will take the stage, presenting an enthralling play that promises to transport you to a world of imagination and storytelling. Be prepared to be enthralled by the talents and dedication of our fellow students, who have poured countless hours into perfecting their performances.
【Conclusion】In conclusion, the revival of our annual school fair is a momentous occasion that brings together our school community in a celebration of talent, camaraderie, and enjoyment. From the tantalising food stalls to the exhilarating alumni football match, the fair offers a wide array of activities that cater to diverse interests. It provides an opportunity for students, teachers, and alumni to connect, reminisce, and create lasting memories. So mark your calendars and join us on 29th May 2021 from 12 pm to 4 pm for an unforgettable day filled with laughter, delicious food, captivating performances, and the spirit of togetherness. Let us embrace the joy and excitement that the school fair brings, and make this year's event a resounding success. See you there!
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

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