【Letter to the editor 格式】範本 sample format|ENG DSE

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-2-16 39,412
Letter to the editor 點樣寫?Afterschool帶嚟「 Letter to the editor 格式」自學懶人包,用中文教你點寫DSE ENG撰文投稿,包含寫作範本 + sample format + 實際應用example!
Letter to the editor 中文即係「撰文投稿」,通常係一份寫去雜誌或者期刊嘅文章,係 DSE ENG paper 2 & 3,即係寫作部分及綜合部分經常會出現嘅考核格式。
以下 AfterSchool 為同學帶嚟自學懶人包,用中文教你點寫DSE ENG letter to the editor 撰文投稿,包含寫作範本 + sample format + 實際應用example!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

Letter to the editor Format DSE 經常出現?

無錯!Letter to the editor 經常會出現喺英文卷二寫作嘅 Part A / B,和卷三聆聽及綜合嘅 Part B 部分,如果考生無事先熟讀格式,就會損失大量分數!

Letter to the editor 格式

由於文章屬於書信嘅一種,所以都要跟返ENG letter嘅格式寫法,詳情如下:
[Dear Editor, 稱謂語]

[Opening 引入開頭]

[Body 內文 (points + 過渡段)]

[Argument 駁論(不一定需要)]

[Ending 結尾總結]

[Yours faithfully, 祝頌語]
[Name 姓名]

Letter to the editor 寫作清單

係逐部分講解 Letter to the editor 應該點寫之前,同學可以先記熟以下呢個清單,咁就唔怕寫漏嘢啦!
1. 信件格式 (Letter Format):確保你的信件有正確的格式,包括日期、收件人地址、問候語等,例如「Dear Editor,」
2. 引言 (Introduction):在開頭引入信件的主題,說明你為什麼要寫這封信,例如「I am writing to express my concern about...」
3. 問題陳述 (Statement of the Issue):清楚地陳述你要討論的問題,提供相關背景,例如「I would like to address the issue of...」
4. 提供例證 (Provide Examples):舉例說明你的觀點,提供事實或具體案例,例如「For instance, in a recent incident...」
5. 陳述觀點 (Express Your Viewpoint):清楚表達你對問題的看法或立場,例如「In my opinion, it is crucial that...」
6. 建議解決方案 (Propose Solutions):提出解決問題的建議或方案,例如:I would like to suggest that we consider implementing...
7. 呼籲行動 (Call to Action):鼓勵讀者或相關當局採取行動,支持你的提案,例如「I urge the community to come together and take action to...」
8. 結語 (Conclusion):總結信件內容,再次強調你的立場,例如「In conclusion, it is imperative that we address this issue promptly to ensure...」
9. 感謝與問候 (Gratitude and Closing):在結尾表示感謝,並以禮貌的方式結束信件,例如「Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.」
10. 聯絡方式 (Contact Information):提供你的聯絡方式,以便編輯或讀者與你取得聯繫,例如「You can reach me at [your email address] or [your phone number].」
想知道其他 DSE ENG 常見英文實用文寫法?即撳:【DSE English】Paper 2 & Paper 3 最齊寫作格式全攻略

Letter to the editor Opening Introduction 引言/前言寫法

1. 引入問題 (Introduce the Issue)
   - 親愛的編輯,我寫信來表達對於最近社區中一個重要問題的關切。
   - Dear Editor, I am writing to express my concern about a significant issue that has recently emerged in our community.
2. 背景交代 (Provide Background)
   - 最近的事件引起了我對於這個問題的深刻思考,我相信這值得我們共同的關注。
   - The recent events have prompted me to reflect deeply on this issue, and I believe it deserves our collective attention.
3. 引入主題 (Introduce the Topic)
   - 具體來說,我想談論的是關於城市綠化的議題。
   - Specifically, I would like to address the issue of urban greenery.
4. 問題的重要性 (Highlight the Significance)
   - 這不僅關係到我們的環境和居住品質,還涉及到未來世代的福祉。
   - This not only affects our environment and quality of life but also has implications for the well-being of future generations.
5. 引起興趣 (Capture Interest)
   - 讓我們想像一下,一座更綠意盎然的城市是多麼美好,這不僅為我們帶來健康的生活空間,還為社區帶來了更多的活力。
   - Imagine a city with more greenery – not only does it provide us with healthier living spaces, but it also brings vitality to our community.

Letter to the editor Body 正文寫法

1. 問題陳述 (Statement of the Issue)
   - 正如最近發生的事件所觀察到的,當前的問題凸顯了迫切需要…
   - The issue at hand, as observed in recent events, highlights the pressing need for...
2. 舉例支持 (Provide Examples)
   - 舉例說明問題的實際情況,補充更多的細節。
   - For instance, the recent [specific incident] vividly illustrates the impact of...
3. 引用數據或研究 (Cite Data or Research)
   - 引用相關數據或研究,強化你的觀點。
   - According to a recent study conducted by [source], the numbers indicate a concerning trend in...
4. 觀點陳述 (Express Your Viewpoint)
   - 清楚陳述你對問題的立場,可能包括你的個人觀點或價值觀。
   - In my perspective, it is evident that addressing this issue is pivotal for the well-being of our community.
5. 提出建議解決方案 (Propose Solutions)
   - 開始提出解決問題的具體建議或方案。
   - To address this issue effectively, one potential solution could be the implementation of...
6. 例子支持建議 (Support Solutions with Examples)
   - 舉例說明你提出的解決方案是如何在其他地方取得成功的。
   - A similar approach has been successfully adopted in [another location], leading to a significant improvement in...
7. 呼籲讀者參與 (Call to Action)
   - 鼓勵讀者積極參與,提供他們參與解決問題的途徑。
   - I encourage readers to actively participate in initiatives that support the proposed solutions, whether through volunteering or advocating for change.
8. 結合個人故事 (Incorporate Personal Stories)
   - 如有可能,結合個人故事或見聞,使讀者更容易共鳴。
   - I was personally moved by [specific incident], which underscored the human impact of the issue and emphasized the urgency for...
9. 強調公共利益 (Emphasize Public Interest)
   - 強調解決問題的重要性,不僅僅是個人,而是整個社區的利益。
   - Addressing this issue is not only in the interest of individuals but is crucial for the collective well-being of our community.

Letter to the editor Conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法

1. 感謝讚美 (Expressing Gratitude and Appreciation)
   - 在結尾感謝編輯的時間和關注。
   - Thank you for taking the time to consider this matter.
2. 再次強調觀點 (Reiterating Your Viewpoint)
   - 簡要再次強調你的立場,確保讀者清楚你的主要訴求。
   - I firmly believe that [重申你的立場].
3. 呼籲行動 (Call to Action)
   - 鼓勵編輯和讀者支持你的提案,共同採取行動。
   - I urge the community and the editorial team to join hands in addressing this issue.
4. 展望未來 (Looking to the Future)
   - 展望解決問題後的未來,強調共同努力的重要性。
   - By working together, we can create a future where [描述未來可能的情景].
5. 感謝再次 (Thank You Again)
   - 再次表達感謝,感激編輯的關注和支持。
   - Once again, thank you for your attention and support on this matter.
6. 結束問候 (Closing Salutation)
   - 以禮貌的方式結束信件,表達對編輯的尊敬。
   - Yours Faithfully, [你的名字]

Letter to the editor DSE 5+ 範例參考

題目:In response to an article by the editor about the establishment of night markets in Hong Kong.
Dear Editor,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing in response to the recent article discussing the establishment of night markets in Hong Kong, a topic of great significance to both residents and visitors alike.
Firstly, I would like to express my appreciation for shedding light on the potential benefits of introducing night markets to the city. The concept undoubtedly brings a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere, offering a unique blend of local culture, culinary delights, and a social gathering space. As the article aptly pointed out, such initiatives have proven successful in other global cities, fostering community engagement and boosting the local economy.
However, I would like to address some concerns that were not thoroughly explored in the article. One crucial aspect is the need for comprehensive urban planning to ensure the seamless integration of night markets into the existing infrastructure. The potential impact on traffic, noise levels, and waste management should be carefully evaluated to prevent any adverse effects on the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Moreover, it is imperative to consider the diverse needs and preferences of the local community. While night markets can be a source of excitement and entertainment, it is essential to strike a balance that respects the tranquillity of residential areas and ensures the well-being of all residents.
Additionally, the article briefly touched upon the economic benefits of night markets, but a more in-depth analysis of the potential challenges and opportunities for local businesses is warranted. Small-scale enterprises may face increased competition, and their ability to adapt to the changes brought about by night markets should be a focal point of discussion.
In conclusion, while the idea of establishing night markets in Hong Kong is exciting and holds promise, a careful and holistic approach is necessary. Urban planners, local authorities, and community representatives should collaborate to address the potential challenges and ensure that the introduction of night markets aligns with the city's long-term vision.
Thank you for providing a platform to discuss this important matter. I look forward to further coverage that explores the multifaceted aspects of this proposal and encourages a robust dialogue within our community.
Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]
1. 專業的引言 (Professional Introduction):
   - 作者以禮貌的方式開頭,表達了對編輯的感謝,並指出信件的目的。這有助於建立積極的對話氛圍。
2. 正面的肯定 (Positive Acknowledgment):
   - 作者正面評價了文章中關於夜市帶來的潛在好處的部分,這有助於顯示作者是一個理性、富有建設性的讀者。
3. 建議和擔憂的陳述 (Presentation of Suggestions and Concerns):
   - 作者清晰地陳述了一些未在文章中深入探討的問題和擔憂,例如城市規劃、交通、噪音水平、廢物管理等。這展示了作者對議題的全面思考。
4. 平衡的觀點 (Balanced Perspective):
   - 作者強調了在引入夜市時需要平衡各方利益的重要性,並強調了尊重居民寧靜和確保所有居民福祉的必要性。這顯示了作者的關懷和考慮到了社區的多樣需求。
5. 對經濟影響的深入思考 (In-depth Analysis of Economic Impact):
   - 作者指出了文章中簡短提到的夜市可能對當地企業造成的競爭增加等經濟方面的問題,這提供了更深入的洞察力。
6. 準確且有說服力的結論 (Concise and Persuasive Conclusion):
   - 結論總結了信件的核心觀點,再次表達了作者的期望,同時強調了在引入夜市時需要謹慎處理的各個方面。
7. 感謝與期待未來的呼籲 (Gratitude and Forward-looking Appeal):
   - 作者在結尾處表達了對報社提供平台的感謝,同時表示期待更深入的報導,以促使社區內的有力對話。
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

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