【Argumentative Essay格式】格式範文 topics example|ENG DSE

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-10-7 67,417
Argumentative Essay 可以分為 one sided 同 two sided 兩種,Afterschool 用中文教你寫DSE ENG 議論文,包含寫作範本template + sample format + topics !
Argumentative Essay 即係議論文,同中文議論文唔同嘅係可以分為 one sided(單邊正論)或者 two sided(正反立論)。Argumentative Essay 經常出現喺 DSE ENG paper 2 & 3,即係寫作部分及綜合部分嘅其中一種考核格式。
以下 AfterSchool 為同學帶嚟自學懶人包,用中文教你寫DSE ENG 議論文,包含寫作範本template + sample format + topics !
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

Argumentative Essay DSE 經常出現?

無錯!Argumentative Essay 經常會出現喺英文卷二寫作嘅 Part B,如果考生無事先熟讀格式,就會損失大量分數!

Argumentative Essay 特點

英文 Argumentative Essay(辯論性文章)與中文嘅議論文喺寫作框架上存在一啲差異,其中最主要係呈現論點嘅方式上。以下是當中嘅相異之處:

1. 單邊與雙邊論述(One-sided vs. Two-sided)

   - Argumentative Essay:在英文的辯論性文章中,可以採用單邊論述或雙邊論述的方式。單邊論述指的是作者支持並堅持某一特定立場,而雙邊論述則允許作者同時討論兩個對立的觀點,並最終提出自己的立場。
   - 議論文:一般來說,中文的議論文較少採用嚴格的單邊或雙邊劃分。中文的議論文更傾向於以全面性的方式呈現主題,包括不同的觀點和論點,而不是僅集中在一個立場上。

2. 論據結構(Argument Structure)

   - Argumentative Essay:通常會遵循明確的論據結構,包括引言、主體段落和結論。每個主體段落可能都專注於支持或反駁特定的論點,並提供證據和例子。
   - 議論文:可能更強調整體的邏輯和結構,而不像英文那樣明確地分為引言、主體和結論。中文的議論文可能在整體結構上更具靈活性,並以深入分析和闡述為主。

3. 語調鋒芒(Tone and Persuasiveness)

   - Argumentative Essay:常常強調言之有力,使用強烈的辯論和說服手法,力求使讀者支持作者的立場。
   - 議論文:通常更注重言之緩和,以一種更平衡、冷靜的方式呈現論點。中文的議論文可能更注重於以合理的邏輯和論據來說服讀者,而非強烈的言辭。

Argumentative Essay 格式

當同學開始寫一篇Argumentative Essay之前,應先根據你嘅目的和立場選擇使用「one-sided」(單邊論述)或「two-sided」(雙邊論述)結構。以下是兩種類型嘅基本格式:
One-Sided Argumentative Essay Format

1. 引言(Introduction):
- 引起讀者興趣的開場白
- 提出你的論點或立場

2. 背景介紹(Background):
- 提供與主題相關的背景資訊
- 引入相關的背景文獻或事實

3. 主體段落(Body Paragraphs):
- 段落 1: 第一個主要論據,包括支持該論據的具體證據和例子
- 段落 2: 第二個主要論據,同樣提供支持性的證據
- 可以有更多的主體段落或加插一段駁論然後再推翻其論點,視需要而定

4. 結論(Conclusion):
- 重申你的立場
- 總結主要論據
- 提出呼籲行動或結語
Two-Sided Argumentative Essay Format

1. 引言(Introduction):
- 引起讀者興趣
- 提出你將討論的兩個對立觀點

2. 背景介紹(Background):
- 簡要介紹兩個對立觀點的背景
- 可以提供一些有關爭議的歷史或相關的情境

3. 正論主體段落(Body Paragraphs):
- 段落 1: 第一個正面觀點的詳細說明,包括支持該觀點的具體證據和例子
- 段落 2: 第二個正面觀點的詳細說明,同樣提供支持性的證據

4. 過渡段(Switching Paragraphs):
- 提出有人可能基於所看角度不同而持相反立場

5. 反論主體段落(Body Paragraphs)):
- 段落 1: 第一個反面觀點的詳細說明,包括支持該觀點的具體證據和例子
- 段落 2: 第二個反面觀點的詳細說明,同樣提供支持性的證據

6. 結論(Conclusion):
- 重申你的觀點
- 總結兩個對立觀點的主要論據
- 提出呼籲行動或結構

Argumentative Essay 寫作清單

係逐部分講解 Argumentative Essay 應該點寫之前,同學可以先記熟以下呢個清單,咁就唔怕寫漏嘢啦!
1. 引言(Introduction):
  • 引起讀者興趣的開場白。
  • 提出明確的論點或立場。
  • 提供背景資訊或引入主題。
2. 背景介紹(Background):
  • 提供與主題相關的背景資訊。
  • 引入相關的背景文獻或事實。
  • 確保背景介紹有助於讀者理解主題。
3. 主體段落(Body Paragraphs):
  • 每個主體段落專注於一個主要論據。
  • 提供具體的支持性證據和例子。
  • 確保論據的呈現順序有邏輯性。
  • 使用過渡句子使段落間的過渡更順暢。
  • 確認每個主體段落的結尾與下一段有連貫性。
4. 反駁對立觀點(Counter-Argument):
  • 簡要介紹對立的觀點。
  • 提供簡短的反駁或解釋為何該觀點不成立。
  • 確保反駁的內容有針對性且有說服力。
5. 中立或共通點(Neutral or Common Ground):
  • 如適用,確保中立或共通點的部分清晰且有意義。
6. 結論(Conclusion):
  • 重申論點或立場。
  • 總結主要論據。
  • 提出呼籲行動或結語,使結論有結束感。
想知道其他 DSE ENG 常見英文實用文寫法?即撳:【DSE English】Paper 2 & Paper 3 最齊寫作格式全攻略

Argumentative Essay Opening Introduction 引言/前言寫法

一篇Argumentative Essay 的引言(Introduction)和背景介紹(Background)是引導讀者進入你的主題並理解你的論點的重要部分。以下是寫法範例:


The rapid advancement of technology in recent decades has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. While these innovations bring about undeniable benefits, they also raise critical questions about their impact on our society. In this essay, we will explore the contentious issue of whether the pervasive use of technology has resulted in a more connected or fragmented world. By delving into the multifaceted aspects of this debate, we aim to shed light on the intricate relationship between technology and social connectivity.


To understand the dynamics of our increasingly interconnected world, it is crucial to examine the role of technology as a double-edged sword. On one hand, technological advancements have facilitated instantaneous communication and access to information, fostering global connections that were once unimaginable. On the other hand, concerns have been raised about the potential negative consequences, such as the erosion of face-to-face interactions, the rise of misinformation, and the impact on mental well-being. As we navigate through this complex landscape, it becomes evident that a nuanced exploration of the relationship between technology and social connectivity is essential.

Argumentative Essay Body 正文寫法

Body Paragraphs嘅作用係構建實際論點,提供支持性嘅證據和例子,清楚咁展示觀點。每個主體段落應專注於一個主要論據或方面。以下係寫法範例:

主體段落(Body Paragraph)

1. 提出主要論據(Present the Main Argument):
   - 開頭句:以清晰而有力的陳述提出主要論據。例如:
   The pervasive use of smartphones and social media has undoubtedly reshaped the way we communicate, giving rise to a globalized network of interconnected individuals.
2. 提供支持性證據(Provide Supporting Evidence):
   - 解釋:說明你的論點,為讀者提供清晰的背景。例如:
   This interconnectedness is evident in the instant sharing of ideas, experiences, and information across borders, creating a virtual space where individuals from diverse cultures can engage in meaningful dialogue.
   - 舉例:提供具體的例子或案例,支持你的主張。例如:
   For instance, the Arab Spring protests of 2010 and 2011 were largely coordinated through social media platforms, demonstrating the power of connectivity in fostering social and political change on a global scale.
3. 反駁可能的反對觀點(Address Counter-Arguments):
   - 引入對立觀點:簡要介紹可能的反對觀點。例如:
   While some argue that increased connectivity leads to information overload and superficial relationships, it is essential to consider the positive impact on activism and awareness that such connectivity enables.
   - 反駁:提供反駁或解釋為何這些反對觀點並不損害你的立場。例如:
   However, the ability to share diverse perspectives and mobilize communities for a common cause highlights the transformative potential of technology in fostering global unity.
4. 轉折到下一個主要論據(Transition to the Next Argument):
   - 過渡句:使用過渡句子將當前段落的討論與下一個主要論據相連接。例如:
   In addition to the impact on global activism, another crucial aspect to consider is the role of technology in sustaining personal relationships in an interconnected world.
5. 重複以上步驟(Repeat the Steps):
   - 重複以上的結構,每個主體段落專注於一個獨立的主要論據,提供相應的支持性證據和反駁。

Argumentative Essay Conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法



1. 重申論點(Restate the Thesis/Position):
   - 重述論點:以不同的措辭重申你的主要論點或立場。例如:
   In conclusion, the intertwining of technology and social connectivity has become an integral part of our modern lives, shaping the way we interact, share information, and perceive the world around us.
2. 總結主要論據(Summarize Main Arguments):
   - 總結論據:概述你在主體段落中提到的主要論據和支持性證據。例如:
   From the instantaneous sharing of information to the mobilization of global movements, the positive impact of increased connectivity is evident in various facets of our society.
3. 強調重要性(Emphasize Importance):
   - 強調重要性:闡述為何你的論點是重要的,以加強讀者對你觀點的認同。例如:
   This interconnectedness not only fosters cultural exchange and global understanding but also plays a pivotal role in addressing pressing social issues and promoting positive change.
4. 提出呼籲行動(Call to Action):
   - 呼籲行動:提出建議、行動或思考方式,以鼓勵讀者思考並參與相關議題。例如:
   As we move forward in this digital era, it is imperative that we harness the potential of technology to further connect, collaborate, and contribute to the betterment of our global community.
5. 結語(Final Remarks):
   - 結語:提供一個簡潔而深刻的結語,使你的論點留給讀者深刻的印象。例如:
   In essence, the fusion of technology and social connectivity not only defines our present but holds the key to a more collaborative and interconnected future.

Argumentative Essay DSE 5+ 範例參考

Title: The Impact of Technology on Global Social Connectivity
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, our world has become intricately woven into a web of interconnectedness. This essay delves into the nuanced relationship between technology and global social connectivity, exploring both its positive and negative facets and ultimately asserting the crucial role that technology plays in shaping the way we communicate, collaborate, and perceive the world.
The rapid advancement of technology in recent decades has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. While these innovations bring about undeniable benefits, they also raise critical questions about their impact on our society. In this essay, we will explore the contentious issue of whether the pervasive use of technology has resulted in a more connected or fragmented world. By delving into the multifaceted aspects of this debate, we aim to shed light on the intricate relationship between technology and social connectivity.
To understand the dynamics of our increasingly interconnected world, it is crucial to examine the role of technology as a double-edged sword. On one hand, technological advancements have facilitated instantaneous communication and access to information, fostering global connections that were once unimaginable. On the other hand, concerns have been raised about the potential negative consequences, such as the erosion of face-to-face interactions, the rise of misinformation, and the impact on mental well-being. As we navigate through this complex landscape, it becomes evident that a nuanced exploration of the relationship between technology and social connectivity is essential.
[Body Paragraphs]
[Paragraph 1: The Positive Impact on Global Activism]
The pervasive use of smartphones and social media has undoubtedly reshaped the way we communicate, giving rise to a globalized network of interconnected individuals. This interconnectedness is evident in the instant sharing of ideas, experiences, and information across borders, creating a virtual space where individuals from diverse cultures can engage in meaningful dialogue. For instance, the Arab Spring protests of 2010 and 2011 were largely coordinated through social media platforms, demonstrating the power of connectivity in fostering social and political change on a global scale.
[Paragraph 2: Sustaining Personal Relationships in an Interconnected World]
In addition to the impact on global activism, another crucial aspect to consider is the role of technology in sustaining personal relationships in an interconnected world. The ability to connect with loved ones across vast distances has become an integral part of our daily lives. Video calls, messaging apps, and social media platforms provide avenues for maintaining relationships, overcoming geographical barriers, and fostering a sense of community.
[Paragraph 3: Addressing Counter-Arguments and Misconceptions]
While some argue that increased connectivity leads to information overload and superficial relationships, it is essential to consider the positive impact on activism and awareness that such connectivity enables. The ability to share diverse perspectives and mobilize communities for a common cause highlights the transformative potential of technology in fostering global unity.
In conclusion, the intertwining of technology and social connectivity has become an integral part of our modern lives, shaping the way we interact, share information, and perceive the world around us. From the instantaneous sharing of information to the mobilization of global movements, the positive impact of increased connectivity is evident in various facets of our society. This interconnectedness not only fosters cultural exchange and global understanding but also plays a pivotal role in addressing pressing social issues and promoting positive change. As we move forward in this digital era, it is imperative that we harness the potential of technology to further connect, collaborate, and contribute to the betterment of our global community. In essence, the fusion of technology and social connectivity not only defines our present but holds the key to a more collaborative and interconnected future.
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

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