【Expository Essay格式】寫法範文 structure example|ENG DSE

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-2-16 14,759
Expository Essay 中文即係說明文,Afterschool 教你寫DSE ENG必學Expository Essay structure、example、introdution及conclusion等技巧!
Expository Essay(說明文)係一種旨在解釋、闡明或說明特定主題嘅文體。呢種文章風格強調事實、統計數據、例子和比較,以幫助讀者更深入地理解作者所提出嘅主題。文中通常不包含作者個人意見,只係提供客觀嘅信息和分析。
由於Expository Essay經常出現喺 DSE ENG paper 2 & 3,即係寫作部分及綜合部分裡面,所以接著落嚟就等 AfterSchool 教你寫DSE ENG必學Expository Essay structure、example、intordution及conclusion等技巧!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

Expository Essay DSE 經常出現?

無錯!Expository Essaye 經常會出現喺英文卷二寫作嘅 Part B,如果考生無事先熟讀格式,就會損失大量分數!

Expository Essay 特點

1. Objectivity(客觀性):以客觀、事實為基礎,避免加入個人情感或主觀意見。
2. Information and Evidence(資訊和證據):以豐富的資訊和有力的證據為支撐,以解釋或說明特定主題。
3. Clarity(清晰度):使用清晰而組織良好的結構、主題句、過渡詞及描述詞,使整篇文章具有邏輯性。
4. Structure(結構):通常包括引言、主體段落和結論。

Expository Essay 格式


[主體段落(Body Paragraphs)]


[主體段落(Body Paragraphs)]


Expository Essay 寫作清單

係逐部分講解 Expository Essay 應該點寫之前,同學可以先記熟以下呢個清單,咁就唔怕寫漏嘢啦!
  • 引人入勝的開場。
  • 充足的背景信息。
  • 明確的內容陳述,概括文章的中心思想。
主體段落(Body Paragraphs):
  • 每個段落都有明確的主題句。
  • 提供充分的事實、統計數據、例子或引用,支持主題句。
  • 解釋和闡釋提供的資訊,以幫助讀者理解。
  • 保持段落間的邏輯順序和連貫性。
  • 使用過渡詞確保段落之間的流暢過渡。
  • 總結主要觀點和資訊。
  • 提出結論性的思考或建議。
語言和風格(Language and Style):
  • 使用清晰、明確的語言,避免模糊或模棱兩可的表達。
  • 確保文風一致,避免突兀或不一致的表達方式。
結構和組織(Structure and Organization):
  • 檢查文章是否有合適的引言、主體段落和結論。
  • 確保每個部分都有明確的功能,不重複或缺失。
範疇和焦點(Scope and Focus):
  • 確保文章的焦點明確,不偏離主題。
  • 檢查是否有不必要的資訊,以保持文章簡潔而專注。
想知道其他 DSE ENG 常見英文實用文寫法?即撳:【DSE English】Paper 2 & Paper 3 最齊寫作格式全攻略

Expository Essay Opening Introduction 引言/前言寫法

Expository Essay的開場(opening)是非常重要的,它應該能夠引起讀者的興趣,提供足夠的上下文,並引導他們進入你要討論的主題。以下是一些建議的Expository Essay開場寫法:
1. 引用(Quotation):
   - 使用一個引人入勝的引用,與你的主題相關。確保引用能夠吸引讀者的注意力並引起他們的興趣。
   > "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela
2. 提問(Question):
   - 引入一個引人深思的問題,激發讀者的好奇心,讓他們希望繼續閱讀以找到答案。
   > "Have you ever wondered why certain cultures celebrate the changing seasons with unique rituals and traditions?"
3. 故事情境(Narrative Scenario):
   - 描述一個生動的情境或故事,使讀者能夠投入其中,同時引導他們進入你要討論的主題。
   > "Imagine yourself standing at the edge of an ancient forest, surrounded by towering trees that have witnessed centuries of change..."
4. 統計數據(Statistics):
   - 提供一些引人注目的統計數據,讓讀者對主題的重要性有直觀的了解。
   > "Did you know that over 70% of the world's population is affected by a phenomenon that often goes unnoticed in our daily lives?"
5. 引入主題的重要性(Introduction of Importance):
   - 直接強調主題的重要性,讓讀者認識到這個主題對他們是有意義的。
   > "In today's fast-paced digital age, understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on our daily lives has never been more crucial."
6. 引人入勝的事實(Intriguing Fact):
   - 提供一個引人入勝的事實,使讀者對主題產生興趣。
   > "Contrary to popular belief, the concept of time is not universal across all cultures. Different societies perceive and measure time in unique ways."

Expository Essay Body 正文寫法

Expository Essay的主體段落應該有組織、清晰的結構,每一段都應該支持你的論文陳述,並提供充分的事實和解釋。以下是一些建議的Expository Essay主體段落寫作方式:
1. 主題句(Topic Sentence):
   - 每個主體段落都應以明確的主題句開始,這句話概括了該段的主要點。
   > "One of the key factors contributing to climate change is the increase in greenhouse gas emissions."
2. 支持性證據(Supporting Evidence):
   - 提供充分的事實、統計數據、例子或引用,以支持主題句。這些應該是客觀且可驗證的。
   > "According to a recent study conducted by [source], global carbon dioxide levels have risen by 30% over the past century, primarily due to human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels."
3. 解釋和闡釋(Explanation and Elaboration):
   - 不僅提供事實,還要解釋這些事實如何支持你的主題。這裡可以加入你的分析和理解。
   > "This increase in carbon dioxide traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a rise in global temperatures. The consequences of this warming trend are evident in the melting of polar ice caps and the disruption of ecosystems."
4. 比較和對比(Comparison and Contrast):
   - 使用比較和對比來強調重要的區別或相似之處,進一步支持你的論述。
   > "When comparing the environmental impact of traditional agriculture and organic farming, it becomes evident that the latter has a significantly lower carbon footprint and promotes soil health."
5. 引用專家觀點(Quoting Expert Opinions):
   - 引用專家的觀點或研究,以增加你論點的權威性。
   > "Renowned environmental scientist Dr. [名字] emphasizes the urgent need for sustainable practices, stating, 'The current rate of environmental degradation poses a serious threat to the planet's biodiversity.'"
6. 結論句(Concluding Sentence):
   - 每個主體段落應以簡潔的結論句結束,概括該段的主要內容,同時與下一段建立連接。
   > "In summary, the evidence suggests that human activities are a significant driver of climate change, and immediate action is essential to mitigate its far-reaching consequences."

Expository Essay Conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法

1. 重申主題(Restate Thesis Statement):
   - 在結尾部分,重新陳述上文主題,確保讀者在結束時能夠清楚地記住文章的中心思想。
   > "In conclusion, the evidence presented strongly supports the assertion that [your thesis statement]."
2. 總結主要觀點(Summarize Main Points):
   - 總結你在文章中討論的主要觀點,概括這些觀點的重要性。
   > "Throughout the essay, we have examined [main point 1], [main point 2], and [main point 3], revealing a comprehensive understanding of [your topic]."
3. 結論性的思考(Concluding Thoughts):
   - 提供一個結論性的思考或觀點,強調你的主題的廣泛影響或可能的發展。
   > "As we contemplate the implications of [your topic], it becomes clear that further research and collective action are imperative to address the challenges ahead."
4. 呼籲行動(Call to Action):
   - 如果適用,可以提出一個呼籲行動,激勵讀者進一步思考或參與相關議題。
   > "Now, more than ever, it is crucial for individuals to actively engage in sustainable practices and advocate for policies that address the issues highlighted in this essay."
5. 提出問題(Pose a Question):
   - 引入一個引人思考的問題,以鼓勵讀者深入探討主題。
   > "As we conclude our exploration of [your topic], what steps can each of us take in our daily lives to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future?"
6. 結尾引言(Closing Quotation):
   - 可以使用一個引人深思的引言,與你的主題相關,為文章劃下句號。
   > "In the words of [notable figure], 'The journey of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.'"

Expository Essay DSE 5+ 範例參考

Title: Understanding the Impact of Human Activities on Climate Change
The Earth's climate has undergone significant changes throughout its history, shaped by various natural processes. However, in recent decades, a growing body of scientific evidence indicates that human activities are playing a crucial role in accelerating climate change. This essay aims to explore the intricate relationship between human actions and the changing climate, examining the key factors contributing to global warming and their far-reaching consequences.
To comprehend the impact of human activities on climate change, it is essential to understand the natural mechanisms governing our planet's climate. Earth's atmosphere contains greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), which trap heat from the sun and maintain a stable temperature. While these gases are naturally occurring, the industrial revolution marked a turning point as human activities began releasing unprecedented amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
[Thesis Statement]
We contend that the rise in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, has significantly contributed to the current trend of climate change. By examining the scientific evidence and understanding the mechanisms involved, we can gain insights into the urgent need for collective action to mitigate the consequences of global warming.
[Main Points Preview]
In the subsequent sections, we will delve into three primary aspects. First, we will explore the sources of greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the role of human activities in this process. Second, we will examine the scientific evidence supporting the link between human-induced emissions and climate change. Finally, we will discuss the profound impacts of climate change on ecosystems, weather patterns, and global sea levels.
[Body Paragraph 1: Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions:]
The primary contributors to the surge in greenhouse gas emissions are human activities associated with industrialization, transportation, and agriculture. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, releases substantial amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Deforestation, driven by urbanization and agricultural expansion, further intensifies this effect as trees play a crucial role in absorbing CO2 during photosynthesis.
Human-induced emissions also include the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from livestock digestion and rice paddies, as well as nitrous oxide from agricultural practices. Understanding these sources is fundamental to addressing the root causes of climate change and implementing effective mitigation strategies.
[Body Paragraph 2: Scientific Evidence Linking Human Activities to Climate Change:]
A comprehensive understanding of climate change relies on robust scientific evidence that establishes a direct link between human activities and the observed alterations in the Earth's climate. Numerous studies, including those conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), have demonstrated a clear correlation between the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and the rise in global temperatures.
Satellite data, ice core samples, and climate models provide compelling evidence supporting the role of human-induced emissions in altering the Earth's climate. These findings underscore the significance of addressing the anthropogenic factors contributing to climate change and implementing strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The subsequent paragraphs will continue to explore the consequences of climate change and delve into potential solutions for mitigating its impact.
[Body Paragraph 3: Consequences of Climate Change:]
The consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly evident, impacting ecosystems, weather patterns, and sea levels on a global scale. Rising temperatures contribute to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, leading to a rise in sea levels. Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable, facing the threat of increased flooding and erosion.
Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves, have become more frequent and intense. These events have severe implications for agriculture, water resources, and human settlements, amplifying the urgency for comprehensive strategies to adapt to a changing climate.
[Body Paragraph 4: Impact on Ecosystems:]
Climate change poses a significant threat to biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide. Alterations in temperature and precipitation patterns disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems, affecting plant and animal species. Shifts in migration patterns, habitat loss, and increased susceptibility to diseases have been observed, further emphasizing the interconnectedness of climate and biodiversity.
Corals, vital for marine ecosystems, are particularly vulnerable to warming seas, leading to coral bleaching and the degradation of coral reefs. These changes not only impact marine life but also have cascading effects on human societies dependent on fisheries and coastal resources.
[Body Paragraph 5: Global Efforts and Mitigation Strategies:]
Addressing climate change requires concerted global efforts and the implementation of effective mitigation strategies. The Paris Agreement, adopted by 196 countries, represents a significant step towards international cooperation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global temperature increases. However, individual and collective actions are equally crucial in achieving meaningful results.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, offer sustainable alternatives to traditional fossil fuels. Afforestation and reforestation initiatives contribute to carbon sequestration, mitigating the impact of deforestation. Technological advancements and sustainable practices across industries are essential components of a comprehensive strategy to combat climate change.
In conclusion, the intricate relationship between human activities and climate change necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the sources, scientific evidence, and consequences involved. The undeniable link between anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and global warming underscores the urgency for collective action. As we witness the far-reaching consequences on ecosystems, weather patterns, and sea levels, it becomes evident that mitigating climate change is not only an environmental imperative but a global responsibility.
By fostering international cooperation, embracing sustainable practices, and advocating for policy changes, we can pave the way towards a more resilient and sustainable future. As individuals, communities, and nations, we must actively engage in mitigating the impact of climate change to preserve the health of our planet for future generations.
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

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