
HKjointus 2019-8-7 9,109



句子冗長係以英文作答嘅考生常犯嘅大忌(但中文考生亦可以留意一下自己嘅論文有冇呢個問題) 。冗長嘅句子會令改卷員睇完全句句子之後難以拿捏句子重心,令論文更難理解、論文結構鬆散、重點不清,所以考生宜將冗長嘅句子,根據唔同嘅重點分為唔同嘅短句。
例如係:Since multinational corporations (MNCs) acquire investments from multiple sources such as MNC funds and stockholders, they have much more capital than local traditional businesses and can afford to pay high rents in Hong Kong, employ more manpower to specialize in different areas of operation, such as employing workers who specialize in product design to deliver the optimized product features for users, as well as workers who specialize in assembling products to ensure product functionality. MNCs are thus more likely than local traditional businesses to survive in Hong Kong. 
  1. 跨國企業有多種資金來源
  2. 跨國企業可以運用資金嚟聘請專門從事唔同範疇嘅員工去製造高質素嘅產品
  3. 跨國企業比本地傳統產業更有機會喺香港生存。由於改卷員改論文多數會一氣呵成睇完一句句子,甚少會喺句子中間作停頓,所以改卷員睇完一句冗長嘅句子後所需理解句子內容時間會較長,咁做對於改卷員嚟講並唔marker-friendly。
要改善以上句子,考生可以將句子改為多個短句,即:Since multinational corporations (MNCs) acquire investments from multiple sources such as MNC funds and stockholders, they have much more capital than local traditional businesses. MNCs can thus afford to pay high rents in Hong Kong, as well as employing more manpower to specialize in different areas of operation. For example, MNCs can employ workers who specialize in product design to deliver the optimized product features for users, as well as workers who specialize in assembling products to ensure product functionality. Therefore, MNCs are more likely than local traditional businesses to survive in Hong Kong. 
將冗長嘅句子改為多個短句除咗可以令改卷員更容易消化句子內容之外,亦俾機會考生多加 “therefore”, “thus” 等連接詞,令論文嘅結構同邏輯更完整。




唔少考生寫論文嘅時候都習慣用「前者」(former) 同「後者」(latter) 嘅字眼,例如係:MNCs and local traditional businesses are in direct competition in Hong Kong. The former has abundant capital while the latter has little financial support. 喺呢句句子入面,改卷員睇完第一句之後可能已經唔記得係MNCs行先定local traditional businesses行先,因此睇到 “former” 同 “latter” 嘅時候要重睇第一句先可以理解到第二句嘅意思。要令論文更marker-friendly, 為改卷員慳番重覆睇句子嘅功夫,考生應避免 “former” 同 “latter” 嘅字眼,宜花多幾秒時間直接用 “MNCs” 同 “local traditional businesses” 嘅字眼。


第一個例句係:Since multinational corporations (MNCs) acquire investments from multiple sources such as MNC funds and stockholders, they have much more capital than local traditional businesses. 第二個例句係:MNCs have much more capital than local traditional businesses because MNCs acquire investments from multiple sources such as MNC funds and stockholders. 
