【OEA 懶人包】OEA 重要嗎?一文教你寫好 JUPAS OEA!

AfterSchool 2022-6-27 59,171
OEA係 Other Experiences and Activities,係 DSE分數外,令一個大學嘅收生考慮因素。OEA 點寫?AfterSchool 為你提供 OEA 懶人包,教你寫好 OEA JUPAS!
OEA (Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions) 中文係比賽/活動的經驗和成就係 JUPAS 參與院校喺取錄學生時會考慮嘅眾多因素之一。咁其實 JUPAS OEA 即係咩嚟?OEA 包括邊兩部份?OEA 點寫?係咪所有課外活動經驗都可以寫落 OEA?OEA 同 OLESLP 又有咩分別?快啲睇睇呢篇文,睇到尾會有 OEA Sample 教你寫好吸引大學收生老師注意嘅 OEA 文章!

甚麼是 OEA?

OEA (比賽 / 活動的經驗和成就) 全名為 Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions,係用嚟記錄 DSE 同學喺學業成績以外嘅其他經驗同成就。雖然 DSE 分數 / JUPAS 分數係 JUPAS 參與院校考慮入學申請時眾多因素中最大嘅條件,但同學喺其他方面嘅經驗同成績都或多或少係大學收生準則之一。同學可以將自己嘅 OEA 遞交上 JUPAS 系統,等各大 JUPAS 院校睇到同學嘅其他學習經歷同成就,喺收生決定時用作參考,亦都可能會被用作面試嘅討論題材

OEA 涵蓋範疇

OEA 包括嘅活動種類範疇非常廣泛,當中包括 8 類活動:
  1. 學術相關/智力發展活動
  2. 藝術、音樂及其他文化活動
  3. 職業/就業相關的經驗
  4. 社會/校內服務 
  5. 領袖訓練
  6. 德育及公民教育
  7. 宗教活動
  8. 體育活動

OEA 點寫?

OEA Part 1 第一部份:獎項/活動
申請人可以填寫不多於 10 項獎項/活動
1. 奬項/活動名稱 (Award / Activity Name)
2. 範疇 (Category)
3. 參與年份 (Year of Participation)
4. 參與模式 (Participation Mode)
5. 活動性質 (Activity Nature)
6. 參與角色 (Role)
7. 頒授獎項/非頒授獎項活動 (Award-bearing/Non-award-bearing Activity)
8. 獎項類別 (Award Type)
9. 奬項/活動簡介 (Description of the Award / Activity)
OEA Part 2 第二部份:附加資料
OEA 附加資料部份係旨在俾同學描述對自己個人成長同埋人生目標有重要意義,或影響嘅興趣或者活動,而 OEA 並唔係測試同學嘅語文能力。同學可以選擇用中文或者英文填寫呢個部份,但文章字數上限為 500 字

OEA JUPAS 遞交資料程序

OEA 文件要求

  • 能夠證明申請人曾參與有關比賽或活動嘅官方證明文件,並包含下列所有資料:
  • 申請人姓名(如果官方證明文件冇印上申請人姓名,則必須提供由主辦機構或由學校簽發嘅附加證明文件,以證明申請人曾經參與有關比賽或活動)
  • 奬項/活動嘅官方名稱
  • 參與年份
  • 獎項類別(如適用)
  • 附有中文或英文翻譯嘅證明(若官方證明文件的語言並非中文或英文)
  • 一個不大於 1MB 的 PDF、JPG、JPEG 或 PNG 檔案
  • 由主辦機構簽發嘅證書或信件
  • 由學校簽發嘅證書或信件
  • 列有申請人姓名嘅獎牌/獎杯
  • 列有有效連結至有關比賽/活動/主辦機構的官方網站嘅網上成績(附上嘅連結中必須包含申請人的資料)
  • 其他列有上述所需資料嘅官方證明文件
  • 運動員參賽證
  • 邀請函/回條
  • 未列有申請人姓名嘅證書/獎牌/獎杯
  • 新聞報導、小冊子、宣傳單張
  • 未列有有效連結嘅網上成績
  • 非官方證明文件
資料來源:JUPAS OEA 官方網站

OEA 截止日期

2022 DSE OEA 截止日期 係 2022 年 1 月 5 日 (23:59)
OEA 截止日期通常係每年嘅 1 月初。雖然 2023 DSE OEA 截止日期尚未公布,但係同學可以用往年嘅日子做參考。
注意:JUPAS 參與院校唔接受任何逾期遞交嘅證明文件。 

OEA 可以不寫嗎?

唔少同學都會諗:OEA 唔寫,應該唔會對入大學有太大影響掛?
冇錯,OEA 對於大部分同學考入大學應該唔太大幫助或者影響,但係小編都係強烈建議同學寫一寫個 OEA。雖然 DSE 分數 / JUPAS 分數始終都係大學收生決定嘅,但係大家唔知道大學喺決定一啲 marginal case (即幾位同學同分,而學院需要喺呢幾位學業能力相若嘅同學裡面選擇取錄一位同學) 嘅時候會有咩考慮因素。喺呢個情況,我哋亦可以估計,學校係會再睇睇同學學業成績意外嘅成就,而 OEA 喺呢個時候喺真係可以幫你考入心儀嘅學系㗎

OEA Sample 範例例子 (附加資料部份)

Credit: unsplash @Ben Hershey 
Credit: unsplash @Ben Hershey 
小編分享一下自己當年嘅 OEA Sample,未諗好自己嘅 OEA 要點寫嘅同學可以參考以下嘅呢篇 OEA 範列列子!
Education plays a substantial role in shaping the future world, nurturing talents of different fields to become future pillars and change-makers of the society, and empowering the next generation. Fascinated by the impact brought by education, I have always dreamed to become an educator in Hong Kong, and this is why it has always been a personal goal for me to study for a double degree in English and Education at university. I aspire to become a teacher in Hong Kong bringing empowerment and insights to the younger generation, hoping that they could live a life they like with the ability to stay true and kind. 
For the past 6 years, I have participated in different activities that further shaped me into an aspiring educator. Joining as a delegate in a Youth Summit in the commission of education, I discussed education-related social issues with fellow delegates, including topics of credential inflation as well as education inequity. This sparked my thoughts in education as I gained much more knowledge in the field by understanding much more about the existing problems and difficulties that refrain the education system from becoming a better one. 
Having been the chairlady of the English Society for two years, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to pass on my passion for language studies and literature to my schoolmates. By organising various events such as English Week and Book Sharing Day, I was given the responsibility of planning new themes for the events. Working as the chairlady also trained my communication skills both within the team and for external communication. My experience in participating in the extra-curricular activities taught me the importance of leadership, collaboration, and analytical skills, which are highly transferable for my future aspirations.
In terms of my academic performance, I came first in English in F4 and F6, and I also have attained above-average scores for Literature in English. As a person who likes the study of language and poetry other than education, I wish to gain more knowledge on language science as well as English poetry and novels in university. 
Joining a diverse range of competitions has also equipped me to be an all-rounded individual. When joining competitions including the inter-class English debate competition and the Sing Tao English Debate competition, I have gained valuable experiences that have deeply influenced me to be a critical thinker with quick wit. 
I am an open-minded, curious, and versatile person who is willing to learn more and try out new things. I believe that my positive attributes will help me flourish in tertiary education, which certainly will further prepare me to contribute to society in the future. Also, I believe that I am a capable, enthusiastic, and confident young adult who has much interest in knowledge in these fields. Through tertiary education, I wish to become a citizen who has the ability of independent thinking, to make contributions to our society when I begin my career. Perhaps, a saying of Gandhi could sum up my vision in life, “education is the greatest weapon to change the world”, and I am determined to become a change-maker in society in the education field. 
希望呢份 OEA Sample 會幫到大家了解 OEA 點寫!除咗 OEA 要寫得好之外,JUPAS SLP 寫得好都好重要!JUPAS SLP 點寫?【SLP Sample】一文教你寫好 SLP (附實用格式)!

OEA 注意事項

OEA 注意事項 1:重質不重量

OEA 獎項及活動應該重質不重量。同學唔一定需要全部填寫 10 個獎項及活動,反而要慎重填寫最能夠反映自己個人成長嘅經歷。同學亦應該填寫一啲有質素嘅體驗,而唔係一啲僅僅參與嘅活動。

OEA 注意事項 2:準時交 OEA!

OEA 唔同其他有遲交系統嘅 JUPAS 報名過程,同學一旦遲交申請,就唔會有遞交嘅機會 (包括申請及所有有關文件)。中六同學記得要將 OEA deadline mark 實去 schedule book 喇!

OEA 常見問題

OEA 是甚麼?
OEA 全名係 Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions,中文係比賽/活動的經驗和成就。
OEA 有咩用?OEA 係咪一定要寫?
OEA 唔係一定要寫,但係 OEA 對同學考入大學或者心儀學系,或多或少會有幫助。
OEA 要寫咩?
OEA 第一部份:同學需要列出 10 個自己嘅獎項或活動。
OEA 第二部份:附加資料,同學可以寫一篇上限為 500 字嘅自我介紹,同學可以描述對自己個人成長同埋人生目標有重要意義嘅經歷。
OEA 截止日期係幾時?
OEA 截止日期通常喺每年嘅 1 月初,而 2022 DSE 嘅 OEA 截止日期係 2022 年 1 月 5 日。請注意:逾期遞交嘅 OEA 將不獲 JUPAS 參與院校接受。
OEA 點寫?有冇 OEA Sample?
AfterSchool 小編分享咗一個 OEA Sample 俾中六同學參考,立即查看!


AfterSchool 是一個針對DSE而設的網上補習平台,課程涵蓋多個 DSE 科目,讓同學足不出戶就可以享有優質教學。註冊用戶人達 50,000 人,當中超過四分之一學生為應屆文憑試考生,是全港最大型網上補習平台。