【Present Tense】4種現在式你識邊種? DSE 英文常見錯誤一覽

Mr. J English
Mr. J English 2024-2-16 28,236
Simple Present Tense 現在式, Present Continuous Tense 現在進行式, Present Perfect Tense... 傻傻分不清?AfterSchool 整合咗 DSE English 溫書懶人包!
上次分享完 Past Tense 過去式,今次就當然要介紹另一個 DSE English 常用嘅 Grammar item: Simple Present Tense 現在式!唔好以為成日用就唔會錯,正正就係因為太常用所以先越容易撈亂基本概念。無論喺 DSE English Paper 2 或者 DSE English Paper 3 用到幾豐富嘅 English vocabulary 同 DSE 英文 Sentence structure 都好,只要唔小心喺個 verb 到加多/ 漏咗個 “s” ,你就會同 Language 嘅 5 分擦肩而過。今日我就喺 AfterSchool 同大家分享 Present Tense 現在式嘅用法,快啲碌落去睇下自己係咪已經完全掌握 English Present Tense 嘅用法啦!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool

Simple Present Tense 現在式

Simple Present Tense 現在式應該係大家學英文嘅時候第一個接觸嘅 Tense。我哋通常會喺 5 種情景用 Simple Present Tense:

Present Tense 現在式點樣用?

現在式用法 (1): Habits
Simple Present Tense 可以用嚟描述「現有的習慣」。
Present Tense: Example 1

She does yoga.
現在式用法 (2): Actions that take place on a regular basis 
Simple Present Tense 可以用嚟描述「有規律地進行的行為」。
Present Tense: Example 2

I have tutorial classes every Thursday. 

解釋:指明事情 "every Thursday (week)" 都會發生
Present Tense: Example 3

He never goes out at night. 

解釋:"never" 表明咗呢個動作係「有規律地唔會發生」,所以都係有規律性嘅行為。通常有 adverbs of frequency,例如:always, sometimes, 都會用到 Simple Present Tense。
現在式用法 (3): Facts or truths
Simple Present Tense 可以用嚟描述「客觀事實」。
Present Tense: Example 4

Water freezes at 0 degree celsius. 
Present Tense: Example 5

Hong Kong is a city. 
現在式用法 (4): Commands or instructions
Simple Present Tense 可以用嚟描述「指令或指示」。
Present Tense: Example 6

Go to sleep now. 
Present Tense: Example 7

Press that button to turn on the lights. 
現在式用法 (5): Future actions that have a fixed time or schedule
Simple Present Tense 可以用嚟描述「預先安排好的事情」。
Present Tense: Example 8

The movie starts in 5 minutes. 
Present Tense: Example 9

The bus departs in 15 minutes. 

Present Continuous Tense 現在進行式 (用法及 Example Sentences)

Present Continuous Tense 點樣用?

  • Form: is/ are + v-ing
可以運用到 Present Continuous Tense 嘅場景主要分兩種,大致上都係形容「現在一直進行緊嘅事」。
現在進行式用法 (1): Actions happening at the moment of speaking
Present Continuous Tense 可以用嚟描述「當下發生 / 進行緊嘅事情」。
Present Continuous Tense: Example 1

I am eating breakfast now.
Present Continuous Tense: Example 2

She is talking on the phone at the moment. 
現在進行式用法 (2): Future plans or arrangements
Present Continuous Tense 可以用嚟描述「即將發生的事情」。
Present Continuous Tense: Example 3

He is leaving Hong Kong next week.
Present Continuous Tense: Example 4

The train is leaving soon.

Present Perfect Tense 現在完成式 (用法及 example sentences)

Credit: unsplash @helpstay 
Credit: unsplash @helpstay 

Present Perfect Tense 點用?

  • Form: has/ have + past participle v
現在完成式用法 (1): Actions that started in the past and continues in the present
Present Perfect Tense 可以用嚟描述「在過去發生,並一直延續到現在嘅事情」。
Present Perfect Tense: Example 1

I have taught primary students for 15 years.
Present Perfect Tense: Example 2

She has learnt to cook since she was 10. 
她從 10歲開始學廚藝。
現在完成式用法 (2): Experiences up to the present「過往影響到現在的經驗」
Present Perfect Tense 可以用嚟描述「過往影響到現在的經驗」。
Present Perfect Tense: Example 3

I have read that book before.
Present Perfect Tense: Example 4

He has won many competitions.
現在完成式用法 (3): Actions that happened at an indefinite time in the past
Present Perfect Tense 可以用嚟描述「在過去一個沒有特定時間點發生的事情」。
Present Perfect Tense: Example 5

I have been to their concert once.
Present Perfect Tense: Example 6

He has worked on his assignments for a long time, he is sleeping now.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense 現在完成進行式

Present Perfect Continuous Tense 現在完成式用法

  • Form: has/ have + been + v-ing
現在完成進行式用法 (1): Actions that ended in the past just recently
Past Perfect Continuous Tense 嘅重點在於佢係描述緊一件「在不久之前完成的事情」。
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Example 1

I have been washing the dishes.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Example 2

It has been raining. 
現在完成進行式用法 (2): Actions that started in the past and is ongoing now
Past Perfect Continuous Tense 嘅重點在於佢係描述緊一件「過往開始到現在還在進行中的事情」。
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Example 3

I have been doing research on this topic as well. 
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Example 4

They have been working on this project since 2012. 
現在完成進行式用法 (3): Repeated actions that started at a particular time in the past and is still continuing up till now
Past Perfect Continuous Tense 嘅重點在於佢係描述緊一件「過往開始的,到現在也有規律地進行着的事情」。
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Example 5

I have been going to Japan every winter since 2020. 
Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Example 6

I have been following a vegetarian diet lately. 

Present Tense 常見問題 (中學生篇)

現在式常見問題 (1): Present Perfect Tense 常見錯誤/誤解?

嚟到呢 part 可能又有同學仔有啲「迷」。Present Perfect Tense (現在完成式) 既然有一個 past participle verb,咁又點樣區分佢同 Past Perfect Tense (過去完成式) 或者 Simple Past Tense (簡單過去式) 呢?一齊嚟睇下啦!
1. Present Perfect Tense 現在完成式 vs Past Perfect Tense 過去完成式
Past Perfect Tense 嘅重點在於佢係描述緊一件「發生喺過去事件之前嘅另一件事」。
Example 1 

I have finished dinner already, so I can go for a walk now.我已經吃完晚餐了,所以我可以出去散步。
  • 例句 1 入面用到 “have finished”,即係純粹講述呢個動作已經在某個過往的時間完成咗。
Example 2 

I had finished dinner before I went for a walk.我在出去散步之前,我已經吃完了晚餐。
  • 例句 2 入面用到 “had finished”, 即係強調呢個動作係喺佢 “went for a walk” 之前完成嘅。
2. Present Perfect Tense 現在完成式 vs Simple Past Tense 過去式
Simple Past Tense 主要強調事件係喺「過往開始並係過往結束」。
Example 1

I have danced for many years.我跳舞已經跳了很久了。(現在可能還有繼續跳舞)
  • 例句1用到 “have danced”, 即係主角有可能到現在還在繼續跳舞。
Example 2 

I danced before.我曾經跳過舞。(現在沒有再跳舞)
  • 例句2用到 “danced”, 即係主角現在已經沒有再跳舞了。

現在式常見問題 (2): 現在式 vs 現在進行式有咩分別?

Simple Present Tense 嘅重點在於有個特定嘅時間/ 時限!
The train arrives in 3 minutes. 
以上嘅句子入面因為有指定一個時間/ 時限 “3 minutes”,所以就會用到 Simple Present Tense。
相反,之前例句2中,只係話列車「就快到」“soon” 而沒有一個準確嘅時間,所以會用到 Present Continuous Tense。
希望睇完之後,你哋會完完全全學識 English Present Tense (英文現在式) 啦!尤其係 Present Perfect Tense 同 Present Perfect Continuous Tense,因為同其他類似嘅 tenses 撈亂咗真係會好影響 DSE 改卷員嘅觀感。只要恰當地運用唔同嘅 tenses,再加埋多樣嘅 vocabulary 同 sentence patterns,DSE English Paper 2 Language 攞齊 5 分就唔再係夢喇!
DSE 英文 Grammar 系列
Mr. J English

Mr. J English

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