今次同大家分享下一個大家十分常用嘅Grammar Item - Passive Voice!
好多同學仔經常喺 DSE English Paper 2 同埋 DSE English Paper 3 Part B 嘅 L - Language 分入面遇到樽頸位,永遠都攞唔到上等嘅分數。要提高 Language 分數,好嘅 vocabulary 同 sentence structure 固之然重要,但如果連最 fundamental 嘅 grammar 都做唔好,再好嘅sentence 都幫唔到同學仔拉高 L - Language 分。AfterSchool 幫你整合咗English Passive Voice 嘅唔同用法,想知自己掌唔掌握到 Passive Voice?快啲碌落去睇下自己係咪已經完全認清 Passive Voice 嘅唔同用法啦!
喺學習零散嘅新知識之前,有冇諗過需要先建立一個系統性嘅學習模式?我係Mr.J,多年來透過DSE英文補習幫助學生輕鬆取得大學入場券。想知道我嘅教學理念同往績,即撳:英文補習名師 Mr.J | AfterSchool
什麼是 Passive Voice?
普遍同學都認識 Active Voice,亦即係大家成日聽到嘅 SVO (Subject - Verb - Object),Subject (主語)一定係句子嘅第一個字,Verb(動詞)就會緊貼主語,而 Object(賓語)通常會擺喺句子嘅最尾部份。
相反,Passive Voice 嘅次序就會同 Active Voice 完全相反,Active voice sentence 入面嘅 Object (賓語)就會變咗句子嘅第一個字,成為咗 Passive voice sentence 嘅 Subject;Verb(動詞)就會緊貼主語;而 Active voice sentence 嘅 Subject(主語)經過轉換之後通常會擺喺 Passive Voice 句子嘅最尾部份。同學仔要留意嘅係,喺某啲情況下,Passive Voice 嘅句子入面並唔會出現 Subject。
Active Voice and Passive Voice 簡單轉換
喺詳細講解 Passice Voice 嘅用法之前,我哋一齊嚟睇吓最簡單嘅轉換要求。
Active Voice Example
E.g. The chef prepares the meal.
Subject (主語) | Verb(動詞) | Object(賓語) |
The Chef | prepares | the meal. |
要將一句 Active Voice sentence 轉做 Passive Voice,同學仔必須做齊以下幾點:
- 將 Object 調到句子嘅第一個字
- 將 Verb 變成被動式(be 動詞+ P.P.)
- 將 Subject 調到句子嘅最後部分(要留意返某啲 Passive Voice 可能冇 Subject)
- 通常會喺 Subject 前面加 “by”
Passive Voice Example
根據以上嘅基本要求,將句子轉換成 Passive Voice 之後,句子就會變成:
The meal is prepared by the chef.
將 Object 調到句子嘅第一個字 | 將 Verb 變成被動式(be 動詞 + P.P.) | Subject 前面加 “by” | 將 Subject 調到句子嘅最後部分 |
The meal | is prepared | by | the chef |
想知道幾時先要用Passive Voice?繼續睇落去啦!
幾時用 Passive Voice?
喺英文語法入面,我哋幾時可以用 passive voice,幾時唔用得 passive voice?立即睇吓下面幾種情況,認清幾時要用 passive voice,助你喺 DSE English Paper 入面攞更高嘅 Language 分!
1. 唔知執行者/執行者唔重要
The cake was eaten before the party even started.
句子強調嘅係蛋糕喺 Party 開始之前已經俾人食咗,但係唔知道係邊個(執行者)食咗件蛋糕。
The package was delivered on time.
2. 需要強調動作嘅接受者/或者動作本身
The fire was extinguished quickly by the firefighters.
Ten people were rescued in the warehouse fire this morning.
3. 需要強調執行者
The speech was delivered by the president of the company.
The painting was created by the famous artist, Picasso.
4. 正式書信/文件,或需要較婉轉/客氣嘅態度
Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate department for review.
你嘅申請已轉交相關部門進行審查,喺正式書信入面使用 Passive voice 可以令到句子嘅態度比較客氣。
Mistakes were made in the budget planning process.
Passive Voice 用法(唔同 Tenses)
運用Passive Voice 嘅時候唔單止要轉換動詞嘅形式,重要考慮說話嘅時間點變換時態。雖然睇落去好複雜,但係其實唔難理解。AfterSchool 幫你喺下面整合咗唔同 Tenses 下嘅 Passive Voice 例子,等我哋一齊睇吓 passive voice 喺唔同時態中嘅形式,希望幫到大家!
Simple present tense
Subject | is/am/are (not) | Past Participle | By |
The experiment | is | performed | by her |
The products | are not | produced | by this company |
Simple past tense
Subject | was/were (not) | Past Participle | By |
A new product | was | launched | by the company |
The exams | were | graded | by the teacher |
Present continuous tense
Subject | is/am/are (not) | Being | Past Participle | By |
A new software | is | being | developed | by the company |
The new products | are | being | promoted | by the company |
Past continuous tense
Subject | was/were (not) | Being | Past Participle | By |
A new marketing strategy | was | being | developed | by the marketing team |
The new bridge | were | being | built | by the workers |
Future tense (Simple)
Subject | will (not) | be | Past Participle | By |
The new product | will | be | tested | by the clients |
The car | will | be | repaired | by the mechanics |
Future tense (Be going to)
Subject | is/am/are (not) | going to be | Past Participle | By |
A new house | is | going to be | built | by them |
New trees | are | going to be | plant | by them |
Present perfect tense
Subject | has/have (not) | been | Past Participle | By |
A new employee | has | been | hired | by the company |
The projects | have | been | completed | by the students |
Past perfect tense
Subject | had (not) | been | Past Participle | By |
The broken chair | had | been | fixed | by them |
The house | had not | been | cleaned | by them |
Modal Verbs
Subject | modal verb (not) | be | Past Participle | By |
The package | should | be | delieverd | by tomorrow |
The meeting | must | be | attended | by all employees |
Modal Perfect
Subject | modal verb (not) | have been | Past Participle | By |
The reservation | should | have been | confirmed | by the hotel |
A cake | should | have been | made | by chef |
Active-to-Passive Voice Exercises & Answer
Passive Voice Exercises
- The teacher graded the students' essays.
- The company will launch the new product next month.
- The chef cooked the meal for the guests.
- The police arrested the suspect in the robbery case.
- The company offered Sarah the job as a marketing manager.
- The company awarded John the Employee of the Year award.
- The doctor prescribed the patient a new medication.
- The committee selected the winning proposal.
- The board of directors approved the new budget proposal.
- The construction crew built the new bridge over the river.
Passive Voice Exercises - 答案
- The students' essays were graded by the teacher.
- The new product will be launched by the company next month.
- The meal was cooked by the chef for the guests.
- The suspect in the robbery case was arrested by the police.
- Sarah was offered the job as a marketing manager by the company.
- The Employee of the Year award was awarded to John by the company.
- A new medication was prescribed to the patient by the doctor.
- The winning proposal was selected by the committee.
- The new budget proposal was approved by the board of directors.
- The new bridge over the river was built by the construction crew.
想喺 DSE 英文卷攞到更好嘅成績?不妨睇埋我哋嘅 【DSE 必備英文連接詞 Connectives 用法】同埋【DSE 必備英文句子結構】,助你輕鬆升 Grade!